Hair transplant in less than a week...nerves setting it!!


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I've researched the procedure extensively before deciding to go through with it. I'm not having second thoughts...just feeling a bit anxious!

My main concern is trying to conceal the procedure after wards. I'll have approximately two weeks before I return to work. Will the redness and swelling still be noticeably visible? Can nanogen help in concealing this?

Thank you!!!


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bd007 said:
Good luck man! I have the same concerns myself as I am contemplating a hair transplant. whta bout when girls have boob jobs. How about face lifts or injectiosn for wrinkles. Why is that any different ya know? In the end you will look and feel better so why should it matter if people know it was done through surgery right? Its obvious when a gril has her boobs done and no one cares. I know...easier said than done, but that's how I have been trying to make myself feel better about it. ;)

Thanks for the support! I wavered back and forth for a long time, but I finally decided to go through with it. My confidence has taken a hit over the past few years. If you decide to go through with it, will you choose FUE or strip?


Established Member
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My biggest concern would be the doctor no matter if its strip or FUE. If you don't pick one of the elite in the field, you risk being disappointed or worse.


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Will the Dr be shaving it down? 2 weeks is cutting it pretty fine I'd advise at least 3 weeks off to hide the evidence. Swelling only lasts 4/5 days, but the scabs could last up to 2 weeks so your scalp will probably still look pink.


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I wonder if anyone has every scheduled a surgery and then chickened out at the last minute and just paid the non-refundable portion. I wonder if the doctor would laugh or not.


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CCS said:
I wonder if anyone has every scheduled a surgery and then chickened out at the last minute and just paid the non-refundable portion. I wonder if the doctor would laugh or not.

I expect thats an extremley common occurance. I expect most butchers would like the $$$ for nothing but a decent surgeon (who is usually fully booked) would have lost out on other patients.


Established Member
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Sry if I missed it, but who will perform your surgery?


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DirkNowitzki said:
I've researched the procedure extensively before deciding to go through with it. I'm not having second thoughts...just feeling a bit anxious!

My main concern is trying to conceal the procedure after wards. I'll have approximately two weeks before I return to work. Will the redness and swelling still be noticeably visible? Can nanogen help in concealing this?

Thank you!!!

Who is doing your surgery ?

FUE or strip ?

How many grafts ?

Your age ?

Is your hair loss stable and can you take Propecia ?

Good Luck.


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Well...I did NOT chicken out...Haha. I went through with the surgery. Dr. Pathomvanich of Bangkok, Thailand performed the surgery which consisted of nearly 3700 grafts (strip) mainly in the mid-scalp and temporal regions.

I must say that the entire staff was very professional and accommodating. They answered all my questions and the surgery itself was virtually painless. Of course, the final verdict will come in 10-12 months.

I'm in my early thirties and my hair loss had stabilized over the past couple years. I stupidly quit taking dutasteride about a year ago and I did notice a bit of accelerated loss.

I recently began taking dutasteride again and will resume minoxidil and tricomin in a week or two. I'm hoping this will be enough to fill in the crown (I had seen some progress using the minoxidil and tricomin the past six months).

Maybe I'll post some pics.


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Well, the waiting game has begun. Like everyone has alluded to, the first few months are the worst.

Nevertheless, I'm healing quite well. All the scabs are gone, most of the hair has shed, and the donor incision redness is beginning to fade.

I'll try to get some pics up soon.


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Its now just 4 months ago. I doubt anyone of us can spot a significant improvement on pictures. Only Dirk will notice some little/thin hairs.