Hair transplant in Thailand?


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Hi guys.

How much would a hair transplant in Thailand cost? I'm currently at stage 2 in the Norwood scale, but I wanna start saving up my money now. I've heard that it's a lot cheaper in Thailand and that they are just as professional as in Europe/North America.


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Hi Goodfellas,

Thailand is a tricky one, the good surgeons (in most cases) there are as good if not better than anywhere else in the world *however* they are not always good value as the Thai prices have steadily increased over the last decade.

I know of a few people who have had hair transplant done in Thailand and they seem to be very happy with the results, but I have not seen close up images of the areas where the procedure was done so it's hard for me to compare them with the results of other clinics. Also, for the most part the hair transplant's were done as part of a package of procedures.

One good thing about Thai clinics in general, is they are perfectionists. There is something about the Thai culture which makes them strive to be better and better at the work they do (of the five clinics I've short-listed to work on my face, three are in Thailand).

I'll try to find the names of the clinics which are performing good work and post them here.


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Goodfellas said:
Thanks guys.

About how much would it cost?

Impossible to say with any accuracy, it will depend on the number of grafts, type of procedure etc. You'll only get accurate pricing information direct from the surgeon.

Very broadly speaking, typical hair transplant procedures in Thailand range between ?170,000 to ?350,000, but as I say, this is a very broad figure.


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I also have som general questions on hair transplantation. If I get a hair transplantation would the transplanted hair be there forever? Also, where would be the best place to take it from? My hair is dark blonde, but the rest of my body hair is black. I would prefer to keep my blonde hair if that's possible.


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Typically you keep the transplanted hair for good as it is taken from areas of the scalp which do not recede as part of Male Pattern Baldness. The clinic may well also recommend a regimen of medication to attempt to prevent further hair loss and leaving a "moat" around the transplanted area.

Without wishing to sound rude, I *strongly* suggest doing a little more research before considering foreign travel to have a surgical procedure, a good starting point is this very forum (pretty much every hair transplant question imaginable has been covered here many times).

Learn about the different medications (Finasteride, Dutasteride etc.) and the different hair transplant procedures (Strip, FUE etc.). You need to go into something like this with as much information as possible :)

Hope this helps.