hair transplant in turkey?


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Does anyone know a a decent clinic in Turkey for a hair transplant?is here anybody that have made this in Turkey?I'm really interested to do there because is cheaper than everywhere else...


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agree with you...but i can not afford to give 10000 euros...I don't have...and I was thinking how bad can be if u're usig fue technique?


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I have to echo Dudemon, you really don't want to chose a surgeon on who gives the lowest price. Sure, I'm all about getting good value for money, but that is not the same as going for the cheapest.

If you can't budget for the work *you* want done from a reputable clinic, you're almost certainly better off not getting a procedure.

This is not meant to sound harsh or elitist, but the forums are littered with stories from people who have had disasterous results from "bargain basement" clinics. It's not just hair either, in numerous other forums I participate in you'll read similar stories about rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, abdominoplasty etc.

Look at it this way, do you *really* want someone sticking knives into your head based on the fact that they offered to do it for the lowest price?


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no...but just take a look at pictures I have here in this forum and my review is called "hope this help you a lot"


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ok...looks that I've already decided to take least 0,5 an max.0.80 and add minoxidil...and problem in at temples and front...and maybe if I'll start now...I have good chances to keep the hair for lot of time...a decade to say...


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I saw the thread, it looks great...


Even I could get some friends, a few scrubs from a costume hire and rig up near identical images to those.

I'm not for a moment saying those are fakes, just pointing out that this is the internet and we're talking about somewhere thousands of miles away.

I'll re-iterate, you're considering paying for someone to stick knives into your head, you *NEED* to be damn sure who you're going to be getting to do the procedure.


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I've already seen another implant form there...seems to be a reliable clinc...even it is a small fact...I've heard a lot that u can have good result even in small clincs...besides this...most of you are from America so...most of european people can not afford...or just don't wanna go in america for an's fue technique...and...I don't think that the results can be so bad...especially at crown...maybe it could be at hairline...but I think most of the surgeons are at least at average level now...and I don't think that a clinic that's making fut and fue and is taking care only for hair...could make big mistakes on your the we gain something like 400 euros per month...let's say 540 do u think that i can afford a 14000 dollars implant?


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Um, ok...

Now I'm trying to decide if you were asking for opinions or trying to argue about something :)

P.S. I don't live in America and had a hair transplant in Europe (my location appears in every post). I've also made numerous posts about my transplant and have a well linked photo-diary.


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no...actually i was thinking to take a look at those pictures...and to share some opinions...i've seen photos of 3 persons and...the results ere ok...not the best but ok...and the price also is great...anyway...i'll take proscar for 2-3 years...and after that i'm thinking at hair implant...