Hair Transplant mohawk?


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I am quite young (19) and suffering from hair loss which i usually conceal with a hat. I have a very receded hairline but oddly very little crown balding (its thin but no baldspot). I have been balding very slowly since i was 14 years old (i know great luck right). I have been considering getting a hair transplant but getting all of the hair transplanted to the middle of my hairline so that the middle of my hairline is where it was when i was younger, as well as thickening the crown.

I have sported a mohawk before and liked the look, i could shave the hair around the mohawk, then my style would look like a voluntary choice.

What do you guys think? this would obviously increase my potential doner hairs since i don't need the hair on the sides of my head but how obvious is FUE scarring on a bald or tightly buzzed head when the technique is performed by a skilled professional ?

Obviously i will outgrow this look but i have a job that allows me to wear a hat and is liberal about dress code that i am pretty secure in. If my situation changed i could just shave completely. I could see me wearing this mohawk style for a decade at least by which time there may be different treatments available.

What do you guys think? Is this possible? and how bad is the usual FUE scarring?

Thank you for listening. :D


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the number 1 rule of getting a hair transplant is that you don't get it and plan on fixing any mistakes with the magic cures 10 years down the line. sure, we all hope that theres hair multiplication or cloning or whatever in the next couple years and at the rate that things are going now it looks like maybe there will be in 5-10 years, but wouldn't it suck for you to wake up 1 day balder than you ever were and lacking in donor hair or remedies to make up for it?

it does sound like a pretty good way of doing things if you think youll stick with a mohiekan for a long time and- even if you don't and go down to a buzzcut or something, i personally find that an M shaped hairline looks not too bad as long as the lowest point of it is thick and pretty low. framing your face is obviously the general idea here and even if it's just the top middle of your hairline which is low, thats probably better than nothing.

in terms of scarring and stuff i couldnt help you, but thats my opinion there.


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Thanks guys.

I understand that they have been saying " 3-5 years for decades LOL but i believe that a decade of confidence and not wearing this damn hat would probably be worth it and the chances are pretty decent for some treatments within 10 years. But even if not, i will shave my head you will never see me rocking a comb over.

I just have lost all confidence :( i started balding so young its ridiculous. i wish i could just live out my young years with a full head of hair, but a Mohawk is the next best thing. Dudemon thank you for the information, at first i believed that if i was paying money they would perform the procedure regardless but after reading your post i don't believe i have a shot of getting this done :( they also are looking for before and after pictures..etc so the chances are even lower. I wont give up but I've lost most hope now. I really was ready to do this i saved up money and everything since ladies would find a Mohawk attractive more then a slightly less balding head at my age.

I cant seem to find many pictures of FUE scars with a tightly buzzed or bald head, i have heard they look like acne scars ? but i am not sure. Dudemon iv'e read about your experiences with strip scars and i appreciate so much you taking time to warn others on this board so that they avoid the same fate as you. I really hope that a cure for your scars and all our hairloss arrives in a decade but im doubting it the more i read :(.


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you should give saw palmetto propecia rogain nizoral, copper peptides a shot the younger you are and the sooner you use those things the better the success


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Ringmaster- I was thinking of getting the same type of hair transplant. What did you end up doing, getting the hair transplant or decide not to get it? Also just curious did you find any hair transplant Doctor that was willing to do the "mohawk" type hair transplant?


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SemperFi said:
No top notch surgeon will do a hair transplant on a 19 yr old...

yeah I was just going to say the same thing. Plus your body is not done growing anyway. I finally conquered my hair loss at age 23 and now I wear long layered hairstyles. I love my long hair so much now and I want you guys to be able to have long hair too. I acutally made a blog about can check it out here if you like