hair transplant New York


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Well I am biting the bullet and going for a hair transplant this Wed morning with Dr. Feller. Dealing with hair loss has been a long and stressful battle which I am sure most of you already know what that feels like. I have used EVERYTHING and really it only helped slowdown the hair loss. I have thinning hair in the front and in the back but I am focusing on the front with this procedure.
At the end of Feb I meet with Dr. Feller for a consultation. The consultation went very well and right off the bat I liked what he had to say about my hair. He made me feel really relaxed and I know I just had to fight this and finally get something like this done. After thinking about it for a few weeks I knew that since I have tried everything in the world I might as well do this. I got my blood work done and put down the deposit.
So wish me luck on Wednesday and I will be posting updates from now on. There is a lot of people in my boat and I know how depressing it can get dealing with this so if I can help some people with my experience then I only see that as a good thing. I will post pre-op pictures of the area I am getting worked on. Talk with you all soon.


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Re: hair transplant New York Feller

So its been over 24 hours now since the hair transplant and it went very well. The Doctor and staff
were amazing. I will post new pic's soon and more details of how my day went.


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I am now on my 5th full day but wanted to share my experience about my hair transplant, which I feel went pretty well the morning of May 9th. The night before my surgery was a little nerve-racking. I never had a hair transplant before and even though I did research and met with the doctor beforehand I was nervous about the surgery, but I knew this was something I had to do. After getting really no sleep the night before I headed out to Long Island to Dr. Fellers office. My girlfriend came along with me for support which was a big help. I got to the office building very early and waited in the parking lot and just talked till it was about time for me to walk in. That really helped me with the nerves just to have some "chill out time". When I got in Dr. Feller was there to meet me. We talked for a bit and went over what was going to happen. He made me feel much more calm.
During the operation the staff shaved part of my head and the doctor started with the injections in the back. This hurt a bit but after reading other people's postings I kind of expected this. The operation seemed to move fast. At little after 1pm I was done and they went over the post-op instructions with me. I met with the doctor again in his office and he went over somethings with me and gave me a hat to wear if I wanted to go out in the next few days. I was worried that I would not be able to do anything after the operation but he told me that I can and to not be worried. If anyone is going to go for am hair transplant please try and bring someone with you. It would have been harder for me to drive home and deal with traffic if my gf was not there b/c when you get back home you want to try and just sit down and relax as much as possible that first day.

After the first 24 hours I was able to just sit and watch some movies at home and relax. I did not do anything for the next two days. I went to work for a little bit that saturday. My face was swollen which I was told might happen and I had to tell some people I had an allergic reaction to something. It seemed to work. I did wear the hat the doctor gave me and I was very carful. Other then that I took a few days off to just hang out and stay home. I know the first week is the hardest and I am following the post op instructions very well. I am now on my 5th full day and the swelling is almost gone in my face. Taking a shower is pretty tricky. I was told as long at I follow the instructions I should be fine. I get my stitches out next Wed so I hope to get some of the pictures that Dr. Feller took during my operation and post them here. Right now I am only sharing the pictures taken from my iphone.