Hair transplant now. Hair cloning later?


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I'm 23 years old and have been diffuse thinning the past year. If I were to get a transplant say....sometime next year...I figured I could live with it for another 4 years. I could then get another.

Now, I know it's not smart to get transplants at such a young age. But isnt hair cloning coming in 5-10 years? If that is the case, I can get a couple transplants before that time and still be ok right?



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Men with transplant could give you best advices (I don't have one), but just keep in mind that once the transplant is in place, balding/thinning usually continues all the time *around* it, and that could make look it quite odd after some time..

By the way, does anyone have links to hair cloning research/business?


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I wouldn't put all your chips on hair cloning just yet. who knows what will happen with that. wait and see how medication works for you.


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Storm, if you're losing hair due to stress, RELAX. It will grow back.

You say you're thinning all over, your Doctor said its MBP, youre not sure, etc.

So, are you thinning on the sides of your head, or mainly on top? Thats a pretty clear indicator if its stress or male pattern baldness


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Strom, you probably wont even care in ten years... Trust me I'm 35 and it is not the same as when your 23 and the $10k you would invest is better to have for something you really want.

Especailly if you have wife and kids then.....


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Flux, I am thinning EVERYWHERE. Except the very bottom/back of my head.

I am thinning in more places than others. The top is thinning, but it is thicker than the sides. The sides (above ears) are thinning more than any where else. The sides is actually where I begain thinning. Seemed strange to me.

I really wish I had the wife/kids/white picket fence thing already. But I don't. I need to still be able to attract the opposite sex for the time being. Especially since I just bought a nice new flashy car :cry:

I honestly hope hair transplants can work for diffuse thinners.
Thanks guys


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I am just praying to god, so that in a few years we can have hair cloning....
I cant go on any longer with my hair loss

stormshadow hang there i also have diffuse hair, for now I just take propecia


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Flux, i think you are right; stress plays a major factor on losing hair
Do you know by any chance is there any vitamins or medicine that one can take to relieve stress. :cry:

flux said:
Storm, if you're losing hair due to stress, RELAX. It will grow back.

You say you're thinning all over, your Doctor said its MBP, youre not sure, etc.

So, are you thinning on the sides of your head, or mainly on top? Thats a pretty clear indicator if its stress or male pattern baldness


a) A great personality which includes selfconfidence will get you the perfect girl - she won´t care about your hair and a personality is something you never lose.

b) If it´s really beyond repair or if the medications aren´t working then shave the rest of and focus on what you can do something about like your body, the way you dress and as stated above - personality.

When I lose my hair I will cry like a baby but also understand that it´s not the end of the world and it certainly isn´t the end of dating! Ok it´s gonna get harder but I swear the girl you want to have as your lifelong partner is not the girl that took you for your looks only.


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yea man, shaven heads are actually getting "in" for rock'n'rolers. two perfect examples
-maynard of the popular metal band Tool went bald early in life, so he shaved it off. and what people think is the koolest about him, is he wears WIGS, contantly changeing it. and because of that(and the music) hes a millionare.
-billy howerdel from a perfect circle, has a 6.and he only in his 20's
- Justin Timberlake(even if hes not metal), if no one noticed, he had a bald spot growing in the back, and the front was leaving. but of course hes a rich idiot who can afford to get it fixed.
-Jack Black, didnt anyone notice anything dif with his hair in school of rock and envy?


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nesta said:
a) A great personality which includes selfconfidence will get you the perfect girl - she won´t care about your hair and a personality is something you never loks only.

well what if you don't have a great personality either?


My Regimen
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I'm 23 years old and have been diffuse thinning the past year. If I were to get a transplant say....sometime next year...I figured I could live with it for another 4 years. I could then get another.

Now, I know it's not smart to get transplants at such a young age. But isnt hair cloning coming in 5-10 years? If that is the case, I can get a couple transplants before that time and still be ok right?


yes, we are almost there. the cure is just arround the corner. im optimistic we will get there soon


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damn Iwas writtin then I realised it was some 15yo thread.
quite a pill to swallow.




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yes, we are almost there. the cure is just arround the corner. im optimistic we will get there soon
You do realise that no user back then had any scientific conversation. They had no idea how it should work because there was no info. That is the difference to today. Today we have many information on lets say tsuji. 2025 tsuji will be available (imo).
It's not a good idea to get a hair transplant in your 20's, and it's an even worse idea to get one as a diffuse thinner. Lots of docs will tell you as much. Cloning is 10 years away at least, but there are other solid protocols that are under five years from commercialization. You didn't mention if you're on finasteride/minoxodil/ketoconazole. Get on all of them right now; the sex side effects are almost nonexistent, and it is absolutely foolish to avoid the one drug that could stop the loss and even possibly regrow some hair because of irrational fear mongering. I'm a diffuse loser as well, and I kept most of my hair for over 15 years using those three drugs.
I do not think that guy is still in his 20s :D


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It's not a good idea to get a hair transplant in your 20's, and it's an even worse idea to get one as a diffuse thinner. Lots of docs will tell you as much. Cloning is 10 years away at least, but there are other solid protocols that are under five years from commercialization. You didn't mention if you're on finasteride/minoxodil/ketoconazole. Get on all of them right now; the sex side effects are almost nonexistent, and it is absolutely foolish to avoid the one drug that could stop the loss and even possibly regrow some hair because of irrational fear mongering. I'm a diffuse loser as well, and I kept most of my hair for over 15 years using those three drugs.
The whole getting a hair transplant is wrong in your 20s is garbage. It’s all about how fast you’re progressing that matters. If you’re say 24 and have been losing very slowly without much change that person is in better shape than someone who is say 33 with advance hair loss that started at 28. It’s all about how fast or slow your hair loss is that makes you a good (or bad) hair transplant candidate.

random phone charger

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tinder was invented back then
The idea of social dating was not championed back then, you're disregarding the process of distortion over a decade done to cultural traditions, that were & still is pushed by the left. Tinder was birthed out of rebellion to marital structure, and the ongoing emasculation of men as a whole; exacerbating a timid yet convenient approach to pursuing women.


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I was about to write a sincere response but then noticed the posting date of the OP! Christ, I was still just a 13 year old with a NW0 back then. If only I knew how bad things would truly get.


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Damn it - I got necro-ed again! This thread's got it all - black pills, Stage Five Cope, necro.

If you're losing your hair at 22 as the OP stated, you're by definition suffering from "fast progression" considering most don't start losing hair until 35.
I started losing my hair at 20 and it’s been the same since. I’m 29. There are people that started after me in their mid to late 20s far worse off. The speed of hair loss is determined by the rate of loss over the years since onset, not just age.