Hair transplant or not


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Should I get a hair transplant?

I am 22 years old and seem to be a Norwood 2/3?

Should I get a transplamnt as my frntal hairloss is really affecting my self asteem.

Your advice would be greatly appreciated.

I have attached 2 photos.
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Hey 2hillpark I'm by no means an expert on hair transplant's but from what I've gathered on here most surgeons would be pretty insistent that you take propecia before surgery and especially after it. This is because at your age you will in all likelihood experience more balding and propecia is potentially going to be the only thing that can prevent that. Otherwise you'll have hair at the hairline but nothing in behind it.

In all honesty, I really think you're going to need to seriously reconsider your position on oral medication. As I say I'm by no means well versed on the intricacies of hair transplant so I'm sure a more knowledgeable poster will be able to give you far more constructive advice.

FWIW mate I'm nearly the same age as you and my hairline sucks so I know how sh*t hairloss can be as my confidence and self-esteem has took a massive dent as well. I'm currently on finasteride and nizoral and will add minoxidil possibly after I reach six month mark on finasteride. I'd advise you try a regimen that works for you before jumping into surgery.


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Perhaps you should try some of the "custom" topicals that many here find highly effective.


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Is that first picture you recently?

how does your hair look like a NW1 when not pulled back? how long does it take you to style it?

have people noticed your recession?

also perhaps start taking finesteride for a year and see how it goes, you can always stop if you have problems with it, find it tedious etc


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The problem with a very early hair transplant is that if your other hair recedes around it you could end up with a kind of island of hair from the hair transplant like this guy: :punk: , Which wouldn't be as good as he makes it look.

I'd definitely go for the medicinal options first, if you REALLY don't want to hit propecia (and for a young guy I can understand why) you could try minoxidil which is topical. The success rate isn't as good on the temple areas where you are receding but some poeple still get results


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Knowing what I know today, the first thing I would do is start a regimen of Nizoral and Zinc Pyrithione shampoos. Then I would get my hands on some Avodart and make a topical solution, perhaps using 2% minoxidil as a vehicle.


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Had nothing of any real cosmetic benefit until switching to topical dutasteride + 2% keto cream (and some Miconazole), in minoxidil vehicle.


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You would most likely not be happy with a hair transplant.

I would concentrate on getting the right treatment to slow down or prevent any more hair loss and think about transplants once you see that your hair loss has stopped for 2 to 3 years.

Hard to give much advice without a pic.