hair transplant possible? Opinions


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Although noone is sure how bald he is gonna get I have a pretty good idea. My father and his father were/are balding in the II A pattern, both ending at V A (see image). My question is: is a hair transplant a possibility with such baldness? (atm I am on meds but it would be good to know my options, for a white guy my hair is quite thick).


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Depends, how is finasteride working? is your loss agressive?
For me my hairloss has halted for the last 5 years after starting finasteride, and my dad has the same. Im planning to get a hair transplant in the future FUE to fill in the last, im about nv2.5


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Hum, well finasteride has worked pretty good. It stabilized everything and gave me some regrowth as well (I am 20). My loss has been super slow since 15 and I wont consider it agressive. In fact, I never noticed it untill I started wondering why I couldn't get my hair in the right haircut.

I'd say I am an Norwood 2 atm with thinning in the NW2.5 region so for now, preservation would be enough (plus I still have the minoxidil at hand for later). However finasteride wont keep my hair forever, so I am just looking for comfort!


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yes you can get hair transplant for that, ive seen it done, but obviously the more bald you are the more money and time it will cost to repair it all. It also depends on donor supply but its not impossible to get done. if ur a nw2 now i would stick to the meds for a few years nobody reputable is going to operate on a 20 y/u


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Well I am not planning on getting it soon, but if it is my final 'Norwood stage', I might be more confortable with getting an hair transplant at 30 - 40 or something! I am not sure though that my dad won't go any balder since he has been losing hair SO slow. Like nw2 at 20 (like me) Norwood 3/4 at 35 Norwood 5 at 50.