Hair Transplant Post Op Question / Managing it at work


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So I had a consultation with a NeoGraft/FUE doctor and am thinking of going for it sometime next year if I can somehow come up with the a way to fund it. But I was curious what your experience was with going back to work?

Because my job is a rotating schedule, I work days and nights, which allows me 3 weeks where I can wear a hat to cover my head, but beyond that I wouldn't be able to. Can someone please share their experiences with going back to work post op? Any tips?

Also, if there are pictures of 3 week post op, I would greatly appreciate you sharing those. I couldn't really find at 3 weeks through googling.

Thanks in advance,



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Hi Brian,
i have had to manage this. I work 9-5 every day, so in some ways your a bit luckier than i was. i started off by making a bit of a joke about my hair saying i will buzz it soon as its not getting any thicker...this sort of set the presidence that i was going very short. I knew my surgeon was going to do a bare blade all over anyway.
i had mine done in malaga, so i did a grade 1 all over prior to flying and sent an email to my mates saying "like the new haircut" i did this so it wasnt a shock for them when i got back. I flew to Malaga and had the op and then spent the rest of the week there as a mini holiday (with a hat on). i booked 2 weeks leave and byt the time the second week had gone all my grafts had fallen out and the only thing that i could see was a red head. i put that down to severe sun burn! as my scalp hadnt been exposed to sun before (made a big deal of it) haha but the redness calmed down over the next week or so and my hair started to grow as normal, i have kept it a grade 3 all over and my grafts have started to grow too, 6 months in and they are still developing (like short white hairs that are in the infant stages) i dont have any pictures 3 weeks post op (as far as i am aware) but i have loads during the op and shortly afterwards! they are not for the faint hearted haha


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Honestly, for most people it really takes close to a month to get to the point where you can go without some sort of hat or head covering. The first few weeks it is just super obvious you had something done. If you have a job where you can wear a hat you are home free. If you do not have such a job, you may have to just wear a hat and tell people you are covering your head for medical reasons or some such for a few weeks. In truth, most people don't really care what someone else wears on their head so usually it is just fine.


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10 days for scabs to be off.

few months before the redness even starts to dissipate.

Either way you're going to have to face reality that people are going to know you had a medical procedure on dat bald dome. Only option would be wearing a hat if you can get away with it.