Hair transplant price differences between US/UK and rest of EU


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This seems like a silly toipic, but I'm pretty new to the hair transplant business and there seems to be a massive difference in price between clinics in US or UK (where I'm from) and those in other parts of the EU or places like Turkey.

Now obviously a hair transplant is a life-changing commitment and you should always search by quality rather than price. But for someone like me (25 years old) I'm never going to have the £10k that UK clinics are charging, just to restore my frontal and temples (NW3ish, no diffuse). I could get that procedure done for a third of the price in somewhere like Turkey. Obviously not some dodgy backstreet clinic, but one of the best, respected and renowned surgeons.

I'm not looking for a perfectly dense teenage NW0 hairline. If I could just restore a natural looking "mature" NW1. Surely I am better off doing my research, finding the BEST possible clinic in Turkey or somewhere else in EU and it would still be half the price, yet same quality, of an average clinic in the UK. Or am I missing something?


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I'm not looking for a perfectly dense teenage NW0 hairline. If I could just restore a natural looking "mature" NW1. Surely I am better off doing my research, finding the BEST possible clinic in Turkey or somewhere else in EU and it would still be half the price, yet same quality, of an average clinic in the UK. Or am I missing something?

The top of Turkey raises above any clinic/surgeon in the UK ;).


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They have a saying where I live:
When you pay cheap then what you get is cheap as well.

I respect myselve and therefore I will only be treated by those who consistently have proven to be the best in the field.
Therefore I have ruled out Turkey, a lot of misses and some good results.

I am not playing dice with MY head!


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s.h.e. method

My mother is a doctor, a general surgeon, she searched for a clinic. I did not want get my hair cut, so first I was considering the FUT method, but my mother discouraged me. She told me that I would also need to return to the clinic for stitch removal. Here in this county the FUE method procedure is rather expensive, and my scholarship is not enough to pay for that. On the other hand, I am on the opinion that I demand quality for my money, after about 2 weeks of searching, I found PHAEYDE’s S.H.E. (Single Hair Extraction) method. I asked my mother, and she was the one who explained that if a piece of hair is extracted with a thinner needle, the skin cylinder will be smaller around the hair, meaning that my head will not be dotted in the back, in the front it can be implanted more densely, meaning that the transplanted area will appear more natural.


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If hair transplants seem unaffordable, then you probably aren't a good candidate for surgery. You really don't want to get started with surgery if you're not financially secure, because it's almost guaranteed that you'll be needing more procedures in the future. What you DON'T want to happen is needing more surgery, but you're stuck "in-between" stages of progress for years at a time, because you can't afford it.

Hair transplants are kind of a rich person's pursuit. If you're not financially secure, then maybe don't open Pandora's Box with your first surgery, because your first surgery is almost certainly just the beginning of your process.


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My transplant cost 7.5k from a London clinic for a Norwood 3. They do an initial calculation and you get charged on that. I got 500 grafts for free as my doctor wanted me to get the best results.

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Hair transplants are kind of a rich person's pursuit. If you're not financially secure, then maybe don't open Pandora's Box with your first surgery, because your first surgery is almost certainly just the beginning of your process.

I'm not rich by any means, it comes down to how serious you are about keeping your hair. I've sacrificed a lot during the last 7 months I've been paying it off. But now that I've payed it of I can honestly say it was worth it. I now never get concerned when I look in the mirror and my confidence is my higher.
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My transplant cost 7.5k from a London clinic for a Norwood 3. They do an initial calculation and you get charged on that. I got 500 grafts for free as my doctor wanted me to get the best results.

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I'm not rich by any means, it comes down to how serious you are about keeping your hair. I've sacrificed a lot during the last 7 months I've been paying it off. But now that I've payed it of I can honestly say it was worth it. I now never get concerned when I look in the mirror and my confidence is my higher.

Hi Stephen,

Where did you gon for your transplant?