Hair transplant prices


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Go to the UK for a hair transplant? What's the catch? You'll have a terrible result.

Since when is Turkey in the UK?

In regards to the thread, you can get a real cheap hair transplant done. I have actually seen them for far less than that. But its very unlikely a skilled surgeon is going to charge a small rate.


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I'm currently probably a nw3. I have a bald spot which isn't overly huge but my long hair makes more obvious but the reason i have long hair is because of my head shape and that ive gone to nw2 or nw2.5 on one side of my hairline (Where I applied minoxdil for a year) the other side where i didn't apply minoxidil is still nw1 so I'm planning for the future trying to see how much it would cost and where i can get the best result for the cheapest price


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how much would a 3v or 2v whatever you call a nw2 hairline on 1 side with a small bald spot need in terms of graphs assuming finasteride keeps me from loosing anymore hair for the next 8 years or so