hair transplant Questions while taking finasteride/dutasteride


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I am 26 and almost a year into finasteride. Crown has been restored and one side of my hairline is probably a nw2-2.5 with the other pretty in tact (1-1.5?)

I started finasteride pretty early on when i noticed thinning in my crown. It has done pretty well and I am considering hair transplant work in the future but I do have a question and im wondering if people have been in this boat.

i will probably see how the finasteride fares for the next year, but i do want to get hairline work in the future, especially on the left side of my hairline. I am ok knowing that my hairline may continue to slowly thin and i may have to get work done on my hairline a few years later (and possibly again)- worth it to me.

However, my question is what if that crown starts thinning again? I am worried that while I can keep my hairline in check, that initial thinning i saw on my crown will come back and that just seems damn near impossible to try and keep up with via hair transplant work.

i imagine this happens often- can anybody chime in with experience/stories? thanks guys.