Hair transplant really works....

Walter Kerman

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Hi guys! At last I got my hair transplanted! I had shiny thick black hair during my college days and I tried various products to make it more stylish... But a few months back, I began to realise that I am losing more hair than before. So I decided to consult a hair expert from a hair clinic at Toronto.During the consultation, the hair expert, Dr.Simmons, recommended me to undergo hair transplantation.He explained to me the various procedures which I will pass through during the surgery.The procedure done for me was FUE (Follicular unit extraction) also known as Follicular transfer.In this procedure, individual follicular units are extracted directly from the patient’s donor area, one at a time.I went for it and it very effective. It took about 3 days to complete my surgery.Now I feel very confident and happy as before....I also suggest guys suffering from severe hair loss to consult Dr.Simmons for better results.