hair transplant scars


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there is a Doctor in toronto who is revising scars from hair transplant's

he is using the sootcher (sp?) method
and for those scars that are good, but are still noticeable, he is using
FUE transplantation methods to transplant a small amount of hairs
onto the scar to make the scar much less visible.

I am thinking of doing the FUE one, because i am in a loosing battle
with the treatments and so on, i want to be able to shave my head
with a #1 or 0 guard.

This seems like itll work because i have a good scar, but it is noticeable when hair is at like a #2 ONLY b/c i have no hair there

what do you guys think


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That sounds like your best bet. Im assuming you have a pretty small scar so scar revision wouldnt be an option. Another great option is cosmetic tatooing in combination with the fue in the scar procedure or without. Go to for more info on scar concealment.


How old are you?

If you are around 24 - 25 I would say - WAIT! give hair transplants a couple of more years ... say until you are 30. Who knows they might have found a really successful way of duplicating follicles or even tapped into the stemcells - I´m not saying they have - maybe.

If it´s for the chicks right now - WAIT!!

What if a FUE will damage your skin so that the scartissue won´t accept Stemcells or other treatements in the future - would that suck?



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not sure what you are saying....

im just thinkin of using FUE to transplant some hairs into my scar
where the scar is thick........when my hair is short you can tell i have a scar b/c there is no hair there

im not looking to transplant anymore hair on the top


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I've heard that only about 50% or 60% of the grafts transplanted on the scar start growing. But this depends on the scar itself. When did you had your strip-transplant?



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2 years ago this month at bosley

from what my derm and a surgeon told me, very good scars as far as
hair transplant's are concerned

its the side ones mostly they are a little thicker
the one on the back i think, is a thin straight on
pencil thin