Hair Transplant Timeline, What % Of Grafts Sprout By...


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So everyone's results will vary widely. I know that by 8 months you could expect about 80% of the final result (80% of grafts sprouted or 100% sprouted but not yet full thickness?). I was told my density would be 50 fu per cm2 and in some spots it looks like that, especially my right side, but in others it looks like half that, especially my left side.
At 4 months now and a bit concerned by my density. In some spots. If the density doubled, I think my final result could be good, but if it's mostly thickening from now, then it won't look good.
So ignoring the thickness of the hair shafts, what % of hairs should you expect to sprout month by month?


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What you see online are just general estimates. Everybody is different. At 4 months you should, in most cases IMHO, just really be starting. Just be patient. In most people, the difference b.w 4 and 6 months is pretty dramatic.


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At four months you have only about 20% out so if you see decent results already they will only get better.


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Well that's comforting, maybe Dr De Reys did a better job than I initially thought!


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Both of my first two transplants started out patchy and evened out over time. I have noticed new growth up to a year later. The best news is you already have growth, I think at 6 months you should see it evening out more with about 50% out then. My hairs came out thin at first and strengthen up over time.

I am probably going to have a 3rd transplant done in a couple of months. Total grafts all 3 will be around 8500.


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@GoldenMane, 4 months is very early. My growth was still pretty bad at 4 months.

This is on average the progression imo. That being said some people are growing slower and some people are growing quicker than this, so take this as a very rough timeline:



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Yes i am on finasteride, I am also lucky to have excellent donor hair. I had blood tests done to check and see how well it is working on my DHT levels.


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I thought it was 80% at month 8? Not 60%?
I think finasteride and minoxidil might be speeding up my results a little.
I have about 5000 donor grafts apparantly, do 4200 left, maybe more with a less conservative surgeon. Enough to deal with the frontal part but enough if my crown goes south.