hair transplant to create a shaved head look?



I see many people trying to be long haird with hair transplant it look redicoulos, I want when time comes to transplante many little hairs to give my head the shaved nw1 look, will it be possible? Maybe in 5-10 years from now? They will stay for long?


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Beingbaldsucks said:
Don't know man, the scars on his head are frightening

Bleeding and initial skin redness are standard with FUE. Heals with time. Other than that I don't know what scars are you referring to.

and I meant even shorter then that, like a full hair guy that doing a 0 haircut, many tiny hairs to create the white shaved hairline.

You'd still have to choose one of the best clinics that can give you ca. 90gr/cm2 density in the recipient area.

Now with that sort of desired result you could use a lot of body hair transplants and leave the donor area at the back of your head almost intact. Body hair got different characteristics than scalp hair but with 0 haircut it wouldn't matter that much plus they're usually used to fill crown area. You'd still need scalp hair for the hairline.


Ben said:
He has had over 8000 FUE done now. I met him in person three weeks ago and it looks brilliant.

how much does it coast, and how much time its lasted? its like natural hair? growing and cant fall?