Hair Transplant With Dr Hakan ********* In Coming August 2016 - To Be Updated


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I have been reading posts in the forum for a few years. I started to lose hair about 12 years ago. My top of head started to look obvious since recent 5 years. I am in Melbourne Australia and there are not many doctors recommended around. I had a hair transplant last year but was not successful. Result was very bad and I lost 2000 grafts. Very unhappy. I decided to have another one and just booked a hair transplant with Dr Hakan in August.. Looks like he moved from Antalya to Istanbul.

Feel a little worried about the safety because of the incident happened in Istanbul airport. Hope Dr. Hakan will make this transplant successful.

If you are interested in the results, please let me know. I am still thinking I might post after transplant photos once a month if there are people interested. .


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My Regimen
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Can you tell us a bit about your unsuccessful transplant, i.e. who the surgeon was and the circumstances that made it a failure?


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You better cancel immediately. Only bad results have come out in the last year from Dr ********* lately. He will botch yours as well. Look into other options...

Just google: Dr ********* bad results