Hair transplants in UK


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I'm a 19 year old male suffereing from thinning hair on the top of my head. It's getting worse and it seems like Minoxidil is not really helping to slow down the thinning but I can't be sure after only a month of usage.

I've attached a picture of the balding area so you get an idea of what it is I'm dealing with. This is effecting my confidence a lot, I don't leave the house much anymore, especially in the day time.

I've previously used Toppik with some success however I see this only as a temporary solution as it is both expensive and can look fake and lead to embarassment.

I'm looking to get a hair transplant, I don't want my scalp to be visible and I'd also like to potentially strengthen my hairline, i.e. lower my hairline so that less of my temples & forehead are visible.

So far I've been to see a few places in London: NuHart, Advanced Hair Studios and Cosmetic Medical Group. All seem friendly and helpful but I haven't been convinced that my money is well spent with any of these companies. I would like to know if anyone has been to an hair transplant surgeon in the UK with any success, and if so WHO DID YOU GO TO! Would you recommend them?

I read on this forum before that there aren't really any good hair surgeons in the UK. Has anyone in the UK gone abroad for a hair transplant and ended up happy with costs and the end results? Please tell me about it!

Thank you. Looking forward to seeing what people have to say so I can get on with my life...![attachment=0:3w3lsp1z]hair.jpg[/attachment:3w3lsp1z]


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hair transplant in the UK? NOOOOO!!!!!

And TBH looking at your pic you are a diffuse thinner and not really a good candidate for a hair transplant.


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My thinking for hair transplant is to use it to increase hair density in thinning areas and then use Minoxidil to try and keep what I already have. Is hair transplant not suitable?


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Problem is mrman, that you're only 19, and it does not sound like your on propecia either. Get on that first and give it 12 months along with your minoxidil and add nizoral.

If you get a h/t now you may lose the rest of your hair and many of the top docs will not want to work on you being so young.

The propecia should thicken up what you have left and maintain it so you can carry on using concealer and look in to a transplant in 1/2 plus years. Certainly don't rush in to it or you may cause yourself more problems in the future.


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order finasteride without their permission maybe

i would never overrule a doctor though
as i am not one

it would have to be your choice

IMO an hair transplant would be a bad choice for now in your situation



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How/where can I do that? Didn't think I could?
Thing is propecia looks like it messes with your sexual organs, I'd rather leave those be! Surgery seems a safer option! Why am I such a bad hair transplant candidate?
For me the point of the hair transplant is so I have hair in my younger years. I won't care so much after 23-24 (I think) but going through this @ 19 is literally ruining my life.


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the pic above was over a month ago
this one was today


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Hey there!

Saf didn't just want to say not to get a hair transplant in your age, but also NEVER EVER to get a hair transplant in the UK. There are no good surgeons there.

Try propecia and if you get side effects than stop.


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Hi Mrman,

I went to Dr. Rogers in the UK (based in Stratford). I'm very happy with the results and intend to use him again at some point; I have no hesitation in recommending you pay him a visit for a consult. I visited three surgeons in the UK and Dr. Rogers felt "just right" in the expectations he set and I had read some very positive feedback about his practice. I won't name them again here, but another clinic I visited felt more like they were selling a dream than a surgical procedure.

Like you are now, I did quite a lot of research before choosing my surgeon and could not really see any benefit to going abroad. That said, you will read all kinds of horror stories about most surgeons so do your research and let your gut feelings help guide you, not your wallet. If you read anything negative, feel free to challenge the surgeon and bring it up if you otherwise feel good about them.

If what they are offering feels to good to be true it probably is, if a surgeon promises you a deal which seems *way* better than the competition, ask yourself why.

Finally, remember the interwebs are full of bull. Don't take anything you read as 100% guaranteed fact, many people who write are anonymous, people are biassed, people are "payed", people have all kinds of motivations etc.

I hope this helps :)


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GeminiX said:
remember the interwebs are full of bull. Don't take anything you read as 100% guaranteed fact, many people who write are anonymous, people are biassed, people are "payed", people have all kinds of motivations etc.

I hope this helps :)

It does'nt.
Gemini you are the only person I've seen in my 3+ yrs on the forums who is happy with their UK hair transplant compared to the 100's of unhappy UK patients I've seen. And to be fair just because your satisfied with the result does'nt mean everbody would be.
And if all forum recommendations are false how come that 99% of the top surgeons can offer 100's of examples of happy clients. There is nowhere in the UK that can do this.
Shills are very rare and easily exposed on here the vast majority 99.9% of forum posters are genuine sufferes just trying to help out others.


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mrman said:
How/where can I do that? Didn't think I could?
Thing is propecia looks like it messes with your sexual organs, I'd rather leave those be! Surgery seems a safer option! Why am I such a bad hair transplant candidate?
For me the point of the hair transplant is so I have hair in my younger years. I won't care so much after 23-24 (I think) but going through this @ 19 is literally ruining my life.

You have no idea how ridiculous this sounds!
If it bothers you now it will still bother you at 30 when you're a past it old fart or even at 40 when you're sat in your slippers eating worthers originals and waiting to die.

There are literally millions of men on finasteride worldwide most of them not much older than you and happily boneing women and having kids.
You dont know how bald you could be in 5/6 yrs time, so you could end up looking a mess if you start having hair transplant's without planning ahead properly. Do your research!


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s.a.f said:
GeminiX said:
remember the interwebs are full of bull. Don't take anything you read as 100% guaranteed fact, many people who write are anonymous, people are biassed, people are "payed", people have all kinds of motivations etc.

I hope this helps :)

It does'nt.
Gemini you are the only person I've seen in my 3+ yrs on the forums who is happy with their UK hair transplant compared to the 100's of unhappy UK patients I've seen. And to be fair just because your satisfied with the result does'nt mean everbody would be.
And if all forum recommendations are false how come that 99% of the top surgeons can offer 100's of examples of happy clients. There is nowhere in the UK that can do this.
Shills are very rare and easily exposed on here the vast majority 99.9% of forum posters are genuine sufferes just trying to help out others.

You seem to be taking my reply to someone else personally; my reply was to the OP who asked if anyone in the UK has had personal experience with a UK surgeon.

I then went on to reccomend the OP does not take anything he reads on the internet as guaranteed fact, this includes my own advice. Surely sound advice for anyone using the internet to find information.

Maybe my reply does not help you personally, but I belive it was exactly what the OP requested.


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mrgreen said:
You have no idea how ridiculous this sounds!
If it bothers you now it will still bother you at 30 when you're a past it old fart or even at 40 when you're sat in your slippers eating worthers originals and waiting to die.

There are literally millions of men on finasteride worldwide most of them not much older than you and happily boneing women and having kids.
You dont know how bald you could be in 5/6 yrs time, so you could end up looking a mess if you start having hair transplant's without planning ahead properly. Do your research!

I have ordered Propecia from - for now I will carry on using Toppik and see if a Minoxidil & Propecia treatment gives me any results over the next 6 months. If after that I have seen no improvement I will look into hair transplants again. I have emailed Dr A's clinic for an online consultation to see what they have to say about hair transplant anyway. I am concerned about experiencing side effects from Propecia and if I notice any I guess I will just stop taking it.


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If you look for sides you will find them. :thumbdown2:


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To be honest I think I might cancel the Propecia order and stick to Minoxidil and just carry on using Toppik, see how that goes. I'll still wait for a reply from the doctors regarding a transplant though.


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mrman said:
To be honest I think I might cancel the Propecia order and stick to Minoxidil and just carry on using Toppik, see how that goes. I'll still wait for a reply from the doctors regarding a transplant though.

See how your hair goes (disappears) dont you mean?
As Amsch says minoxidil on its own wont do sh*t.
If you have m.p.b finasteride is your best chance by far of keeping your hair. In terms of effectivness there is no other treatment (or combinations of treatments) that comes anywhere near as close.


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I don't want to risk the side effects of finasteride. My Doctor strongly advised me not to the point of refusing to make the perscription. My online research is also putting me off a lot. I would rather wait til I'm a good hair transplant candidate. Minoxidil seems to be doing a good job of keeping what I've got.