Hair transplants will inhibit the effects of a future male pattern baldness cure?


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A little background on myself: 19 years old, currently a freshman in college, been losing hair since 18. Also this is my first post.

Anyways, here's my question. Would someone who got a hair transplant be unable to effectively utilize a cure for male pattern baldness if one were to arise? The process of grafting live follicles over all the dead ones seems like a good way to diminish the chances of possibly reviving them. I am not familiar with male pattern baldness, hair transplants, or how potential cures might work. Sorry if this is a dumb question, but please let me what you guys think.


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if they are miniaturized to the point where they cant even be seen anymore, then there is nothing that can recover them. Doesn't matter how much DHT you inhibit or anything. The only way a bald person can get a full head of hair again in the future would be through hair cloning


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if they are miniaturized to the point where they cant even be seen anymore, then there is nothing that can recover them. Doesn't matter how much DHT you inhibit or anything. The only way a bald person can get a full head of hair again in the future would be through hair cloning
I find insane though how we haven't found something similarly to minoxidil that causes intense hair growth when applied topically to an area, I swear I've seen dumb cartoons where they have a gel that causes hair growth on any part of their body. Sounds silly, but it just sounds so real to me in the near future.


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if they are miniaturized to the point where they cant even be seen anymore, then there is nothing that can recover them.

This is not factual, but rather your own opinion. Follicles do as you say miniaturize, but if what your saying were true, then Finasteride and Minoxidil would NEVER work. We know the two treatments CAN reverse hair loss significantly... unfortunately RARELY. However, Aderans was capable of reversing hair loss to a degree as is Replicel and Histogen.

Doesn't matter how much DHT you inhibit or anything. The only way a bald person can get a full head of hair again in the future would be through hair cloning

For the past 20+ years, all everyone's been talking about is inhibiting DHT.. inhibiting DKK1, inhibiting PGD2, inhibiting COX2, inhibiting this and that. FEW people talk about promoting PGF2, PGE2, CD200 or CD34+ progenitor cells. THAT needs to be addressed as well but no studies have been done to see what happens when those issues are addressed as well. I wouldnt doubt that it'd do 'nothing' as you say, im sure it'd have SOME effect. We know that bald scalps do not express CD200 and CD34+ cells, so perhaps those two factors could reverse hair loss.... maybe completely or partially.


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if they are miniaturized to the point where they cant even be seen anymore, then there is nothing that can recover them. Doesn't matter how much DHT you inhibit or anything. The only way a bald person can get a full head of hair again in the future would be through hair cloning
Completely wrong. Go check "Cultured Peribulbar Dermal Sheath Cells Can Induce Hair Follicle Development and Contribute to the Dermal Sheath and Dermal Papilla", McElwee et al., The Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2003.


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I've been thinking of that too. If we transplant the follicles and in the future when the stem cell research (which has been showing signs of improvement during lab tests) become commercially available, would that inhibit its effectiveness on us


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wait wait future male pattern baldness cure? The one that is 5 years away? Maybe this more a problem we should worry about when we can finally see such a thing because its hard to believe.