Hair treatment in Calgary Canada


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I started losing my hair 10 years back and now in stage 4 in norwood scale. I always had been very concerned about it but never took any action (shame!). I have been reading the thread but didn't get any specific answer as my question. I feel (can be wrong, please correct) there is only one way now to recover is hair transplantation but I am very unaware of any option in Calgary, Canada. I have no idea about the treatment availability and viable (but effective) option here as well. Can anyone please suggest the best option to start my treatment in Calgary?

Thank you for your patience and have a good day.


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Go to Hasson and Wong, they are in Canada and are the top surgeons in the world.

Thank you a lot. I will check their clinic. But may I know whether do you have any idea about Gillespie Clinic in Calgary? It is member of American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery and the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery. I am not sure though, very new in this thread and despite my desire can't give much time to read the threads. Sorry! Are those society really represents something trustworthy?


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There are many surgeons that are board certified, heck I think they have to be to practice in North America, no? Do yourself a favour and go with Hasson and Wong, or Dr Rahal if you want to go out east.... Their before and after pictures speaks for itself.