Hair washing!



I wash my hair two times a day with shampoo, once when i wake up, and once at night. I wash in the morning because it refreshes me and wakes me up and during the night because it is disgusting if i go to bed dirty.

So I have a question, is that too much? and will it cause me to lose more hair because i rub and wash and aggravate my hair too much? I try to just rinse my hair in the morning sometimes but I find that if I just rinse with water in the morning, my scalp tends to become more itchy during the day and there is a sort of smell that comes faster than if I washed it with shampoo......

Please help me everyone!


To add.....from what I know, some people don't wash their hair for like a week.....I never found the logic to that and wouldn't that build up more DHT in the scalp?


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If you're using shampoo twice a day, they yes that is probably excessive. Your hair and scalp produce natural oils etc. which are generally quite healthy, so constantly washing them away is really not that good an idea.

That said, it depends what you do during the day. If you're in a particularly dirty or chemical rich environment and get your hair covered in something unpleasant then maybe you need to wash that often, but in that case I would suggest wear a hair protector of some kind, or get a new job :)

Personally I tend to shampoo my hair a few times a week, and generally condition it once a week, that seems about right for my hair.

Over washing can cause your hair to appear thinner too as most people pull out hairs when washing. Even though these will usually grow back, if you keep washing too often they may never get a chance to properly grow and become fully terminal.


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Another shampoo thread.................................................... :whistle:

Why did I not think of that one!


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frequency of hair washing also depends on the climate of a country too.

In Singapore, the climate is very hot and humid, sweating scalp is almost the norm of the day.

Thus many of my friends and I wash hair everyday.


Yea, i wished i could just wash my hair less but it just smells so bad if I don't wash it twice a day.....and it has just sort of become a routine in the shower now when i go in the first thing i do is put on shampoo.....

but you say you shampoo your hair a few times a week, but you still go under the shower every day and you have to towel dry your hair everyday as well right? wouldn't the action of towel drying your hair pull out hairs as well? because from my pov, shampooing hair is just like giving your head a good massage.....


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I use a shower cap, but my hair is very long.


shower caps are so goddamn disgusting. Basically you are covering your head and steaming it. You are sweating under the cap when you shower, how can you find that not gross?


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I guess I'm not as sweaty as the people you know who use shower caps :)


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A little tip as well, since we are all talking about hair washing, when you dry your hair off with a towel, if you use a towel, pat dry your hair, don't rub it with the towel as this causes hair to look thin and is very bad for overall appearance of the hair.


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Petchsky said:
A little tip as well, since we are all talking about hair washing, when you dry your hair off with a towel, if you use a towel, pat dry your hair, don't rub it with the towel as this causes hair to look thin and is very bad for overall appearance of the hair.

Hmm, I have naturally fine hair and find a bit of rough towel drying gives it some body. Sounding like a woman here, but it's true!


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I wash my hair twice a day. Shampooing won't cause male pattern baldness. Use good shampoo, that is it. I am not an Hippie.. I am not loosing more hair because of that.