hairline question for upcoming hair transplant with pictures


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Clearly my hairline is pretty bad. Not sure I have zone 1 left. But as you can see the picture of top head/crown (one in bright sunlight and one wet indoors), this is the area I want to address most.

I am afraid to work on the hairline because it might look unnatural and even if it looks natural I don't want my friends/colleagues to have O on their face when they meet me.

My question: Can doctors implant hair behind the hairline increasing density without changing the naturally thinning hairline look?

The Surgeon recommended: 500 for zone 2, 1200 for zone 3, and 1300 for zone 4. I am not sure this is consistent with what I want, will double check with him, but good to have an opinion from folks here. I have not seen many hair transplant without hairline work, except for crown only.

Thoughts much appreciated.

masked (1).jpg
IMG_1026 (1).jpg
IMG-0966 (2).jpg


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any opinions folks?


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My Regimen
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Can’t answer your question but dude... I think you’re life would be less of a hassle if you shaved what you have right now. Go ahead an go for the hair transplant. But for the time being, I would rather have a shaved head than what you currently have. Couldn’t imagine how you even try styling that


Established Member
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I was kind of in your scenario thinking about hair lines, my hair was not that far regressed but roughly 2.5/3 norwood.

What I did was, I had shaved my head weeks in advance so nobody really realized and I only added about a 1cm around my hair hairline (the m).

Nobody picked up on anything and it makes it easier if I ever wanted to do more. Also being older it looks "real".

I would not personally suggest having a teen hairline. it should be "mature and to your face. You can always go lower, you can't go higher.


My Regimen
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How old are you? Your hairloss is very aggressive. Zone 1 is your temples which are completely gone. Based on what your surgeon recommended it seems like a transplant would focus more on building density then restoring the hairline/temples. You're crown falls in zone 6 so the surgeon won't be touching it. Given how aggressive your hairloss is though you'll probably be back to very low density in a few years. Finasteride might help with maintaining your remaining hair though. Minoxidil may help rebuild density. I'd also get scalp micropigmentation done to help with the illusion of density.

Your hairline falls into zone 2 but given that a good portion of your midsclap also falls into this area 500 grafts is very conservative. I guess if you were more conservative with the other areas you could use a few hundred grafts to help with the hairline. Though you'll probably be moving from a Norwood 4 to 3.5 at best.

I used this image for reference which may be different then what your surgeon used.


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