hairline / small hair shedding / best results


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Hi All

I've been or propecia 1 year, regaine 6 months, I've had good results on the top after a dramatic shed, however im confused. I wash my hair every day and get 20 small hairs and 10 ish long ones in the this still shedding??? why are they small hairs??? Temples have gone back to Norwood 2 from a Norwood 1 when i started,,,,,Is it possible i can maintain NW2? At what stage do you see best results 6 months? 1 year? 2year?

Please reply if you have had experiences with the above

Much appreciated



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Sounds like what happend to me. But i think it was because i used a real shitty local minoxidil that killed my hairline. I went from Norwood 1.5-2.5 in a year while on finasteride and this crap minoxidil, but have now maintained the 2.5 for the past year by adding spironolactone, changing minoxidil and keeping on finasteride. Hair is still thicker on top than when i started two years ago though.
It's either that or my hairline was really susceptible to male pattern baldness at the very front/corners but not so much once receded past a Norwood 2.