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Ok first post - here's my situation.

Alot of people on here seem to notice the typical 'bald spot' thinning and thats when they realize they might have male pattern baldness and start doing something about it.

Well, i'm happy to report i have a completely full head of dense hair, no scap showing , etc. BUT, my entire life i've had a relatively high and V shaped hairline. It's genetic, and i've picture verified its always been like that. Because of the way I spike my hair/messy look style, my hairline is very out in the open. Lately, for whatever reason, i've started to notice that something might be amiss.

It seems at the edges of the hairline (temples) the hair is thinner and "whispier". You can also see a bit of scalp there and it seems harder to spike.

I'm fighting a real mental battle with myself, because somedays I think its just a figment of my own imagination and convince myself its always been like that. Its starting to drive me nuts, enough so to post on this site, at least.

I REALLY can't decide if i'm balding or not. I never even thought about it before because balding was never even on my mind. Looking at pictures, my hairline looks the same but (can't really tell because of pic quality) it looks like, while its always been v shaped, that it was thick all the way across.

And maybe it still is? maybe its a seasonal shed? maybe its part of the hair cycle? maybe UV rays have just lightened my hair so that its not as dark? Or maybe i just spooked myself into thinking there is a problem when there isn't?

Anyway, there is absolutely no sign of balding anywhere else on my head. But to help ease my troubled mind, I've just started applying 5% minoxidil to the temples twice a day.

My question is: anyone else have a similar story to this? 100% hairline problem where you start to see scalp at the edges? Did minoxidil or propecia have any effect on it?



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3're a lucky man if thats your hairloss problem. I went from slight thinning to almost totally bald in 4 months. In about 8 years of hairloss the only thing that hasnt really moved is the hairline after receding a lot in 1 year. I think that happens to almost everyone, even lucky bastards with full heads of hair. I use minoxidil because I could use plenty of regrowth in my crown area. I'm not stark bald but I have really thin, crappy hair that the minoxidil has really helped out. From what I've researched there are very few effective treatments for a receding hairline. If i was in your possition (and believe me I wish i was) i'd 1) see a doctor because if you dont have a family history youre probably not even balding 2) NOT use minoxidil because it is meant for regrowth rather than maintenance and as far as I know it becomes inneffective after a couple years of use, then you lose those it would be a good idea to save it and use it for when you need it and if you do. Just seems like a waste to use it now..might even make your good hair worse. Propecia is whats used for maintenance, but for real, make sure that you are balding first. Hope this helps


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THanks for the response.

Even if it is my imagination, which I don't think it is. I think i'm just noticing the very early signs of a receding hairline (the whispy, thinner hairs, which are not as dark as the rest of my head) I dont' see how applying minoxidil is going to make anything worse.

I'm hoping it'll thicken out those edges and take the edge off that V hairline.

I realize hairlines are tough to fix.. but thats all i'm really worried about at the moment.

Any other thoughts?


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I'm subject to spontaneously punch guys like circus rat .Good luck anyway .


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Do you have images that you can post for us to see the before you were lossing your hair and now. Even if it is not to tell, it will tell us what is really going on with your hair or it's all in your mind. I would not start using minoxidil just yet because most people shed with the drug and it's not FDA approve for frontal hair regrowth. I

Ask these questions to yourself and if you answer yes then you may want to start on Propecia. Because propecia has a better result out of the drug then minoxidil about twice as much than propecia.

1. Do you have any family members(dad, older brothers, grandfather) that is thinning or bald? If so when did they start and how fast did it progress.

2. Can you tell a difference in old photos that you are lossing your har?

3. Do people ask you about your receding or balding hair? Or do they look at your hair if they think your lossing it?

4. Do you found it hard to style your hair or try to hide any skin that you think it looks balding?

5. Do you see more then 200 hairs fall out in one day?(Average sheding for all people is 75 to 150 hairs)

6. Does your hair feel light or weak? (almost like there dying)

After you answer those question then you will know if you have male pattern baldness or lossing your hair. If anyone want to add to the list or want to say one or more is not important then post it.

P.S.; circusrat, although it's important to act on hair loss as fast as you notice it, it's also important to use the right drug, there is no FDA approve drug that will help the frontal which are Propecia and Rogaine. Although it's not I did get frontal hair growth with Propecia. Not much but it's better than none.

too bald too furious

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WithTheLidOff said:
2) NOT use minoxidil because it is meant for regrowth rather than maintenance and as far as I know it becomes inneffective after a couple years of use, then you lose those it would be a good idea to save it and use it for when you need it and if you do.

Not true. Its actually that minoxidil grows hair in the first 2 years of its continuos application. After that minoxidil wont grow any more new hairs but will maintain whatever you have grown in that 2 years.

Also, the chances of minoxidil growing hair in slick bald areas is very less. If you are happy with what you have on your head, then just stick to Finasteride.
If you want regrowth, use minoxidil. But its a pain in the *** to apply and you will have to take that pain for the rest of your life.


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I see, thanks nexus.

Well the edges in question are certainly not bald. I've always had a pretty dramatic widows peak, So I have a feeling if I did show you guys pics you'd think I was receding when, in fact, i've been like that forever.

I wish I had old pics to compare with but I really don't. Nothing that was taken with a receding hair line comparison in mind, anyway.

The reason I notice it now is because the edges have become 'fluffy' and whiter. Hair is still growing there, it just seems like a less amount, and the stuff that is there is weaker than the rest of my head.

I just bought some nizoral also, is that considered a DHT inhibitor? I think i'm gonna do nizoral and minoxidil for 6 mos and then re-check the situation and consider adding propecia.


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also: Actionpack

just looked at your pics, I see you were concerned about the hairline as well. Were you happy with your results?

too bald too furious

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circusrat said:
I just bought some nizoral also, is that considered a DHT inhibitor? I think i'm gonna do nizoral and minoxidil for 6 mos and then re-check the situation and consider adding propecia.

Nizoral is an anti-inflammatory. The active ingredient Ketoconazole has shown in some studies to inhibit DHT in the scalp. A must in your regimen.
I think You should start off with Finasteride and Nizoral.

Check out the photos of ActionPackt. Its a good solid evidence that propecia works on the hairline.

The Gardener

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I had a hairloss pattern identical to yours... well, that was 10 years ago.

I had and still have NO hairloss on my 'bald spot' area. ALL of my hairloss is in the front. It started as a 'high, v-shaped forehead' as you describe.. then progressed to bald temples, and then the center patch between the bald temples started to go, which is what inspired me to get on a regimen.

Back in the day when my hairloss was in the same situation that you face now, I did not have Propecia/Finsteride as an option. It is what I would suggest to you if you are really determined and up to doing something about your hairloss. Keep in mind that Propecia costs money, so you might want to think about how much your hairloss is bothering you. I say this because, from my own experience, after my initial shock at realizing that my temples were thinning, I soon got a little more comfortable about having a higher hairline, and frankly it looked okay for years after this initial realization.

One thing I would do immediately is go buy some Nizoral shampoo from your grocery store. Use it 2-3 times a week, letting it soak in about 5 minutes before rinsing out.

My personal suggestion to you would be to keep an eye on your scalp condition, if you notice a sudden increase in itchiness, then consider getting on the Propecia ASAP. Just my take on it.


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so different suggestions...

no matter what i'm doing nizoral. That is the same as putting 2% rogaine on, from what i've heard. I think i'll also do the 5% minoxidil on the hairline... i'm hesitant to use propecia yet. Will I get results from these two alone?


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in response to what you said gardener,

yea, i'm at the point where i'm trying to decide how much this problem is worth to me. I'm sure many hair loss sufferes face the same dilemma. I've spent probably $170 so far on 5 months finasteride, 4 mos 5% minoxidil, and 3 120ml bottles of nizoral (however long taht lasts)

not a huge cost but this is a possible reocurring cost for the rest of my life. Thats is a hella lot of cash in the long run.

So I could not spend the money and see how, fast/slow this problem is. I'd definitely know in a year or so if its my imagination or not. But the more I look at it, the more positive I get something is definitely wrong with my hairline. The fact that I've always had a high hairline and widows peak just makes the loss look worse. My hair is important to me, I could never pull off the shaved head, big look. Its just not me, I have more of the pretty boy thing goin on than the diesel look.


The Gardener

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Circusrat, you seem to have a good perspective on your hairloss, and the ramifications of the treatment options so I am hesitant to give you any strong-armed advice, so to speak. You definitely sound like you know what you are doing.

I recommend Propecia (finasteride) for you in lieu of minoxidil for two reasons. One, it is just plain easier to do on a day in, day out basis. Consider this.. once you start minoxidil, you have to use it every day. The dropper, the time to dry, etc. Whereas, if you could solve your hairloss issue by simply taking one pill a day and not have to mess with a dropper, would not that be easier?

I am just thinking of myself back when I was in your shoes. I was dissappointed with my hairline, but if presented the choice of either A) perfecting my hairline but having to mess with a dropper twice a day for the rest of my life, or B) keeping what I got, but not having to mess with a dropper and instead I would just have to take a pill, I would have chosen B.

I am NOT in any way trying to influence your decision because I know you know what the program is here. I am just giving you some context from my experience, and telling you what I think is 'easier', but not necessarily 'best' for you. That, my friend, is up to you.

One thing I will say is that if you decide on option A, I think that minoxidil and Nizoral are fantastic treatments. They have been excellent for me, and frankly, I think minoxidil is still the best thing out there for tangible results in the fight against male pattern baldness. It's just a pain in the *** to do from time to time when life gets hectic.


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I see where your coming from. It would be much easier to just pop a pill and be done with it.

As it stands now, I have just the minoxidil. With the nizoral and generic propecia on the way. I'm starting to think using all 3, on an early stage hairline problem, is a bit overkill. I want to instead, like you said, just pick either minoxidil or finasteride and stick with it, and use nizoral with either route I choose.

Here are my contention points between the two at the moment:
1. Cost, finasteride is MUCH more expensive than minoxidil. minoxidil wins here
2. Ease of application. finasteride wins here
3. Side Effects. (I'm 23, I can't have crazy hormonal things affecting my life, puberty was hard enough). minoxidil wins again.

And finally, of course the most important point: effectiveness.
This one is tough because there are more variables. First off, what if my hairline is only a sign of things to come? If I start loosing hair in the back of my head, I'd rather be popping a pill thats got everything covered than having to start applying minoxidil everywhere. Then again, perhaps the nizoral usage will stave off any hair loss in other areas of my head, while I can attack the hairline with 5% minoxidil.

I think for cost and dependency reasons, I'll have to start with nizoral and minoxidil for 6 mos or so and see if I notice an improvement. If not, go with finasteride.

What I would love to hear, is anyone's story who used exclusively minoxidil on their hairline and was successful.

Thanks for your input