Hairloss and getting a job


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I've been unemployed now for almost 5 months and I can't help but think that my hairloss and possibly my height (5'8") are holding me back from getting a decent job. I know that my height likely isn't holding me back because 5'8" isn't that short but combined with hairloss it isn't a good combination. I've been on 10 interviews now and I was more than qualified for each of the jobs that I put in for but unfortunately still no job. Based on your experiences, did you find it harder to find a job after you started losing your hair? Though the interviewer can't say it out loud of course, I wouldn't be surprised if I lost out on more than a couple because of my hair since most of the interviewers were women.

Captain Obvious

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I'm going in for a job interview and I bet my mind is going to be racing with insecurities about my balding. I'm just hoping there isn't flourecent lighting in the hiring managers office. If I had to guess, though, I would assume that being bald can also look very professional. Many balding men look prestigeous, sort of like Rudy Guliani.


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Its not your m.p.b that is costing you jobs, it must be your social skills. ie: what you say and do during the interview not how you look.


baldguy28 said:
I've been unemployed now for almost 5 months and I can't help but think that my hairloss and possibly my height (5'8") are holding me back from getting a decent job. I know that my height likely isn't holding me back because 5'8" isn't that short but combined with hairloss it isn't a good combination. I've been on 10 interviews now and I was more than qualified for each of the jobs that I put in for but unfortunately still no job. Based on your experiences, did you find it harder to find a job after you started losing your hair? Though the interviewer can't say it out loud of course, I wouldn't be surprised if I lost out on more than a couple because of my hair since most of the interviewers were women.

Me neither, if you were tall and looked like Brad Pitt you would have gotten the job. That´s for sure. I was lucky when I had to apply for an internship the interviewer was a woman but she liked me in spite of my ugliness (Though I am tall and the hairloss wasn´t noticeable back then).


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FFS Taug do you think the interviewer was lining up potential dates for herself?
Most people go to work to earn money and nothing more they dont view the people around them for attractivness they save that for bars and nightclubs :lol:


s.a.f said:
FFS Taug do you think the interviewer was lining up potential dates for herself?

No, because then she wouldn´t have taken me.....I just think that if I was short and bald I wouldn´t have gotten the internship-


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I'll post it again:



IBM said:
I'll post it again:


So, what are you trying to tell us? Looks don´t matter as s.a.f said and these lovely guys would have gotten the job if they had showed up to the interview dressed like this? :roll:


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Taugenichts said:
IBM said:
I'll post it again:


So, what are you trying to tell us? Looks don´t matter as s.a.f said and these lovely guys would have gotten the job if they had showed up to the interview dressed like this? :roll:

Well baldness hasnt stopped this guys to be great musicians in a genre where is common to have long hair.


IBM said:
Taugenichts said:
IBM said:
I'll post it again:


So, what are you trying to tell us? Looks don´t matter as s.a.f said and these lovely guys would have gotten the job if they had showed up to the interview dressed like this? :roll:

Well baldness hasnt stopped this guys to be great musicians in a genre where is common to have long hair.

Well, for Black Metal it is mostly the music that sounds, right? If you listen to a CD you don´t see the band and hence don´t care whether they have hair or not. They probably didn´t have to apply for a job interview at a record label.


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Taugenichts said:
IBM said:
Taugenichts said:
IBM said:
I'll post it again:


So, what are you trying to tell us? Looks don´t matter as s.a.f said and these lovely guys would have gotten the job if they had showed up to the interview dressed like this? :roll:

Well baldness hasnt stopped this guys to be great musicians in a genre where is common to have long hair.

Well, for Black Metal it is mostly the music that sounds, right? If you listen to a CD you don´t see the band and hence don´t care whether they have hair or not. They probably didn´t have to apply for a job interview at a record label.

If looks didnt matter they wouldnt be on corpse painting and stuff like that. As i said its usual in this genre to have long hair so i imagine its hard to be bald in this style of music. But this guys succeded despite of their hairloss. They worked hard on their talent.


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f*** me right said Fred hav'nt aged well! :eek:


These 3 do nothing for the public opinion of bald guys. If you looked like that you'd have reason to complain Taug.
Ps this latest avatar is far not a nw1.


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s.a.f said:
These 3 do nothing for the public opinion of bald guys. If you looked like that you'd have reason to complain Taug.

Why? And i dont understand want you mean in last sentence.


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They look like ugly freaks.
Blood on the face white make up = mental, not very approachable.

If Taug looked that bad he'd have a genuine reason for complaining about his looks.
Taugs latest avatar has a high or mature hairline.


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IBM I asked you many times if you knew what death metal was how come you're posting pics of two black metal bands, dimmu borgir and old mans child and still claim you know nothing about it.


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Nathaniel said:
IBM I asked you many times if you knew what death metal was how come you're posting pics of two black metal bands, dimmu borgir and old mans child and still claim you know nothing about it.



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IBM said:
Nathaniel said:
IBM I asked you many times if you knew what death metal was how come you're posting pics of two black metal bands, dimmu borgir and old mans child and still claim you know nothing about it.


What a great awnser. :lol:

p.s. In heavy metal, nobody gives a sh*t what your hair looks like.