Hairloss and steriods


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Hey all,
I'm 20 and recently have been starting to lose my hair. Stupidly, I took abour 3/4th's of a cycle of sterioids. I would say a few months after I stopped using them is when I first started to notice some hair loss. I have not touched steriods for a full year now. My question is, I know riods can contribute to hair loss, but if I stopped a full year ago, will the hairloss stop as well. I didn't even take a full cycle and am hoping that taking them one time will accelerate my hairloss for the rest of my life. Has anyone had the same thing and could let me know? It was so dumb of me to do roids and would never touch it again. I just want to know since I stopped a year ago should my hairloss rate decline as well? How long may that take? Thanks for your help guys.


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I took testosterone injections for about a year when i was your age, and my hair started falling out like crazy. I did something about my hairloss, and fortunately at 35 I have a thick full head of hair. OTOH, I have a friend who took steriods about the same time I did and he was wearing a rug on his head by age 25. I suggest you do something about it, especially if hair loss runs in your family.


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I only did two cycles 10 years ago and I'm still losing my hair. If it's been a year and it hasn't stopped, it probably won't. Does it run in your family?



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I BELIEVE you are relatively safe with test, but Dbol and Winny are thought to be pretty much permananet. I think the immune response with those 2 are greater than with DHT, but am not sure. Those are THE 2 things I would never even consider taking.


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I don't recall the type of steriods I used. I know I was supposed to be getting Winny...from what I hear, I'm glad I didn't. But, what I did take could be just as bad. I wish I could remember. Unfortunately, my Father and grandfather are bald. Somehow, my brother, who is 27 has no signs of hair loss. I think I probably just got screwed with the genes, and made matters worse by taking a cycle of steriods, as well as smoking pot on a regular basis.(which I haves stopped as well). I just wish I knew then what I know now and I could maybe not have to be dealing with this right now.


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I dont think a month on any drug will cause significant hairloss, just like a month on any regrowth drug will not cause significant hair gains.

Unless you are taking a poison like chemotherapy.


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Thinning said:
Unless you are taking a poison like chemotherapy.

Thank God for that poison. It saved my Mother's and my girlfriends life.

BHD from NJ....Cancer capital of the USA


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With the increase in Testosterone is the increase in DHT. After your steroid cycle, your testosterone levels actually plummet to well below what they were originally (for a short time). So does the DHT. You should only really experience extra hairloss during cycle, and even that can be countered with finasteride.

I'd say your hair loss is not related to the steroids you took. BTW, what dosage did you use?


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BadHairDecade said:
Thinning said:
Unless you are taking a poison like chemotherapy.

Thank God for that poison. It saved my Mother's and my girlfriends life.

BHD from NJ....Cancer capital of the USA

Is her (your girlfriend) love like bad medicine?


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Most of us from NJ are embarrased about BJ :lol:


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Just perusing to find some follicularly challenged people's experience with steroids. Unfortunately not a lot of useful information.
The first thing to remember is everybody will have different reactions and severity to things like steroids, just as they do to hairloss treatments.
Steroids do not cause hairloss, as some have pointed out, they will merely accellerate it in SOME cases. I say some, because I know people who have taken steroids and lost no hair at all - ever, and i know some who have taken them and lost no hair - then years later started to lose it.

If anyone is considering steroids, i'm not saying that you should or shouldn't. Many people pre-disposed to hairloss (were already losing it or had lost some) have taken steroids with little or no further hairloss. Do your reasearch on steroids - a tip would be to look for steroids that do not convert via the 5-alpha-reductase, and to look for more anabolic than androgenic steroids. If you got any questions I'll try to answer them or at least point you in the right direction - I AM NOT AN EXPERT THOUGH!!!