Hairloss Encounter I'll never forget


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Hello all,

I like you, have experienced hairloss. My case was somewhat different in that, mines was sudden and aggressive and quite frightening. I was involved in a car accident in late March 2007, thankfully I am fine and still today. However, around July/August I experienced an awful amount of hairloss that were in clumps, every time I took a shower and everytime I woke up, I would find hair all over the place. The doctor said it was "Talogen Effluvium" so I got on the internet and began researching, and found this site. Since there is no incidence of baldness in my family I was shocked when I was loosing hair, was slightly relieved when I learnt about Telogen Effluvium.

Here is my hair today (Sorry for bad quality - Phone!):

Thankfully today my hair okay. I do however have a baldspot (Ringworm) that has been on the top of my head since I was a baby, about the size of a ten-pence peice (UK Money). Bought the 2% minoxidil and voila, hair grew on it. Which can only mean one thing, the part of my head can freely produce hair but only with assistance. (in this case minoxidil) I stopped minoxidil and the spot came back again. So I am here to ask a question: Since I know that hair can grow on that part of my head - what natural remedy should I try to test if it works? Green Tea? Black Tea? Bloodroot Salve?

Your advice is greatly appreciated, many thanks.

uncomfortable man

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You don't have a hairloss problem, but how's your face though?


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Hair is fine! Face is fine!

Uncortable Man:
Yes I did have a hairloss problem, obviously not male pattern baldness and the like but I know I will have some-sort of hairloss in the future which I thank this site and its members for all the information regarding potential and natural cures!

Feenjeera: If that was the case, then wouldn't alopecia be cured? I ask this because I had actually never seen any hair on that part of my head before, I was dumbfounded when it actually was covered in hair inside a month. Surely I could try a, somewhat trivial, experiment to see if there is any other (Safe and Natural) substance that can do the same?


Senior Member
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Minoxidil really isn't a cure. It's more like wig and a part-time solution.


Established Member
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Fanjeera said:
Minoxidil really isn't a cure. It's more like wig and a part-time solution.


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Avery said:
It doesn't grow hair where there aren't follicles.

if there arent any follicles on a certain spot nothing will make hair grow there execpt a new follicle .
Fanjeera said:
Minoxidil really isn't a cure. It's more like wig and a part-time solution.

minoxidil isnt a cure cause it dosent treat male pattern baldness it's growth stimulator and i cant see how its more like a wig .


Experienced Member
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Nice hair mate.