Hairloss Experience: Hair Is Life, Hair Is Good.


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Hey guys! Just joined the forum. Just a little quick background on me. Started losing my hair around the age of 21 very aggressively. Growing up with a very thick head of hair(Justin Beiber type hairstyle) and then progressing to a Norwood 3/4 all within a year and a half was a very daunting experience. Everyone that says hair doesn't matter is either completely delusional or just flat out lying especially when it comes to dating. When I first started receding, I noticed that the interest girls had given me in the past slowly started to fade out. I'm one of the luckier ones though so I can't complain too much. I'm 6'3, relatively good looking, and have a good build. However, it still negatively affected my dating life and people would treat me like I was older than I was. When you first start losing your hair, you put it off as denial and don't want to deal with it. But as my hairline kept creeping back to a Norwood 4 was when the world started really treating me differently. Girls seem to avoid you almost completely, cashiers and servers are less friendly, and people don't seem to want to get to know you. Most people only the highlight the dating pitfalls when it comes to balding but simple things like looking in the mirror and not liking what you see are the worst. When I turned 23, I transferred to a university closer to home and started wearing a hat everywhere I went. I was growing my hair out longer so nobody could tell. Before, I was getting a buzzcut that looked terrible because I was also diffuse thinning in the front. New girls and people didn't know I was balding and people treated me a lot better and I started going on dates. One night in particular was a nightmare of an experience. I had taken this girl home from one of the college bars and went back to her apartment to watch a movie. She took off my hat and saw my mangled fringe of long hair. She then started running her hands threw it and what happened next crushed me. She said in a horrifying voice "Oh my god, you're balding!" I tried to play it off as it was no big deal, but about 20 minutes later she told me that she had to get up early in the morning and told me I should go. I went home and cried myself to sleep, not going to lie. After that, I started to use Toppik to create the illusion of more hair. I got a prescription for propecia and have been using it for the past 2 years. It has worked wonders for my confidence and hair. In June of last year, I got a hair transplant from a doctor in Florida. It turned to be a life changer. He lowered the hairline to make it relatively straight. My hair is still pretty thin in the front but no one can tell. I can walk around without a hat and not feel self conscious anymore. However, I still have to wake up, throw Toppik on, and pop a Propecia pill. Anyone who says hair doesn't matter, is dead wrong. Being a prisoner to a hat, having to spend $7K on a hair transplant at 24 years old, and almost getting conned into buying a wig from a well known hair company will take a blow to your self-esteem.


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Balding in your 20s is like being dead, but you're still here.
Absolutely man! Absolutely lol especially when a girl a few years older than you guesses your age and says 38. I was 23 years old when this happened. With my hairline intact now, suddenly people guess I'm 24, 25, or 26.


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Absolutely man! Absolutely lol especially when a girl a few years older than you guesses your age and says 38. I was 23 years old when this happened. With my hairline intact now, suddenly people guess I'm 24, 25, or 26.

now imaging you're 5'9 NW4 with average face, small asian frame and Asperger


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now imaging you're 5'9 NW4 with average face, small asian frame and Asperger
I'm sorry to hear that man, the only thing you or I can do is to try to improve ourselves. Working out and dressing better helped me a lot when I was balding but it certainly didn't save me.


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you ever see those mutant looking asian women that are abnormally small, and skinny with the body of a teenage boy? Like rat tier tiny

Yes it is my favourite type of girls.

And not only me.

I remember 5'0 or something asian girl she asked me "why are u so short" I pointed to her deformed nose (this common potato SEA nose) then she pointed to my receded temples and I lost.


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Have we met before? :D

That's my "perfect" description (except for the face, which is not average at all)... :(

I doubt you have asperger...

But anyway this combination sucks.

I was lol recently when was sitting with friend of mine (he is Chad 9/10 with perfect everything, nice guy) and talked about new iphones. I told him I cannot use them since they are too massive for my little hands, he didn't believe. Then I suggested to compare our hands and mine was like 60% of his hand. I am wrist/bones mogged by 90% of european women.

f*****g lol to be as a mixed (asian/white) male – you just get worst things from both gene pools while your genes recombine.

Mixed women, in their turn, are mostly hot.


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Yes it is my favourite type of girls.

And not only me.

I remember 5'0 or something asian girl she asked me "why are u so short" I pointed to her deformed nose (this common potato SEA nose) then she pointed to my receded temples and I lost.
It is incredible how people can point at your defects when theirs are worse.
Once a girl asked me - in front of a girl I liked - how come I had a beer belly. Needless to say, the girl who asked me was borderline obese.


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One night in particular was a nightmare of an experience. I had taken this girl home from one of the college bars and went back to her apartment to watch a movie. She took off my hat and saw my mangled fringe of long hair. She then started running her hands threw it and what happened next crushed me. She said in a horrifying voice "Oh my god, you're balding!" I tried to play it off as it was no big deal, but about 20 minutes later she told me that she had to get up early in the morning and told me I should go. I went home and cried myself to sleep

Reading stories like this first thing in the morning depress the f*ck out of me.

Now I will go forth with my day and zero hope for humanity


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Reading stories like this first thing in the morning depress the f*ck out of me.

Now I will go forth with my day and zero hope for humanity

oh god, same.


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Reading stories like this first thing in the morning depress the f*ck out of me.

Now I will go forth with my day and zero hope for humanity
Always expected the worst from people in your day to day dealings with them.

That way you won't be shocked at the level of humanity out there.


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Always expected the worst from people in your day to day dealings with them.

That way you won't be shocked at the level of humanity out there.


Going bald and seeing peoples' true nature come out is the ultimate bitter pill to swallow.


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Reading stories like this first thing in the morning depress the f*ck out of me.

Now I will go forth with my day and zero hope for humanity
Sadly too common. Yet it's still astonishing to meet a weak person who immediately seizes upon the influential power of a first encounter ,
and in plain view- right before your eyes, twists a potentially pleasant moment into a cheap opportunity to affect dominance/superiority.
It's tough, but it is vital for our moral survival to remember we are not the defeated person who outwardly
self-loathing manipulators are happy to make us believe.
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Most people only the highlight the dating pitfalls when it comes to balding but simple things like looking in the mirror and not liking what you see are the worst.

Quoted for truth. For me the worst thing about balding by far, is having to face myself bald. Even now that I'm wearing a hair system, what is underneath still bothers me beyond belief. I feel like a walking joke - like I'm fooling everybody (including myself) into thinking I have hair. I know that girls do all sorts of things do alter their appearance and that it shouldn't really matter, but it still does. Hair is simply sacred, and it cannot be replaced by anything. I know I'm kinda lucky in some ways (face, body), and that I can get men, but what truly bothers me is the simple fact that I'm bald. It is still unreal that this has happened to me, and I feel like I just wasn't born to be bald. I cannot accept it now, and I never will. Being bald simply sucks, there's no way around it...


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now imaging you're 5'9 NW4 with average face, small asian frame and Asperger
Whats your excuse

Asian frame, and mixed with European like yourself.


That guy is on steroids and I have zero doubts.

As someone who has spent years in bodybuilding I can tell right away from natural to supplemented and I will say he is almost definitely on HGH.

This isn't to say an Asian cant get big - but to get that big is very unrealistic.


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That guy is on steroids and I have zero doubts.

As someone who has spent years in bodybuilding I can tell right away from natural to supplemented and I will say he is almost definitely on HGH.

This isn't to say an Asian cant get big - but to get that big is very unrealistic.
And so what? Why does it matter if someone is using steroids to their advantage? If the goal is to get big, it would be stupid not to.


I see what you are saying - I actually don't hate steroid use per say.

The problem is when natural people think roiders are natural and they think they can achieve an unreasonable goal.

The other issue is health - most long term users of roids have kidney problems and enlarged hearts. While it isn't my job to tell people what to do with their health I do feel like it is a responsible and kind thing to tell them that they are risking their long term healthy for short term aesthetics. Essentially you are shortening your life to be prettier. If that's what someone wants to do then fair play but they need to know the trade off.


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Whats your excuse

Asian frame, and mixed with European like yourself.

and since when his frame is small? his skull is f*****g big, his wrists are thick, he is over 6'0

are u retarded to give this picture as example of small frame?

this guy is initially enormously big for asians

you don't know what is small frame at all it is like nw0 will talk about nw6

look at Eliot Rodger — my bones even smaller than his