hairloss increasing. any advice from the experienced/wise?


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Currently using: Propecia 1mg/Tricomin (shampoo only)/Equate 5% Minoxidil

Hello. My name is John Follicle and I'm a baldaholic. The first step to the correcting the problem is admitting it. Apparently, I was gratefully nominated to receive defective/deficient genes as a new born (thank you lord, you piece of stale monkey sh*t) and so now I've been called upon to physically resemble the backside of a donkeys ***.. with that said.. its dually noted he probably has more hair on his *** than I do my head..

I have a couple of questions that require educated answers.. and well if you guys could help me out maybe I'll have second thoughts about offing myself in the upcoming weeks.. what the hell, may as well give it one more shot.. offing myself.. one more shot.. get it? haha i kill myself HAHA offing myself, one more shot, i kill myself, HAHAHA IM A RIOT

ok anyway.. this is a bit long, so please bare with me

I'm 25 years old.. I noticed hairloss occurring probably back at 21 or so.. I started off like the majority of you, visible thinning.. I waited until I was 23 to do anything about it.. the first product I bought was minoxidil 5% (equate brand).. I used it for a few months and got lazy and tired of spending 30$ for a 3 month supply that seemed to have lasted me only weeks as I was desperately dousing my scalp with the liquid.. not noticing any real significant improvements after 3 months, I discontinued use.. I let it go with some crazed thought thinking "oh it'll reverse".. yea sure.. so anyway I moved onto avodart thinking it was some breakthrough solution.. and soon I would once again be normal..

so much for that.. GKS can take that dual DHT inhibitor and inhabit their a*** cavities with it.. of coursre this probably explains the third phase cancellation, frauds.. so anyway I kind of went month to month, I tried new things but never stuck with anything on a recurring basis.. I tried Thymuskin thinking here it is, the golden nugget.. just an FYI for those of you out there, it did ABSOLUTELY nothing.. thymuskin is a waste of space on the product shelf if you ask me.. im better off water coloring my head so at least the baldness blends.. never thought I'd say this but right now I wish I was black.. they dont seem to have a problem with looking good when they're balding.. I guess cause its not too noticeable.. white folk aint got that advantage

ok so anyway, now I'm on propecia.. I had it for 2 months or so, didn't see any significant improvement, laid off it for a month and now I'm back on it with once again, (equate 5%) minoxidil.. I know the key I'm missing here to see if any results are really possible is consistency.. I dont think its too late yet to get on it and stick with it, and thats what I intend to do..

My first question is..

1) Is there any particular doctor or specialist you can see (aside from a hair clinic) that can analyze your scalp, determine if you really do have male pattern baldness, and assess whether or not the hair cells/roots in particular areas have literally "died".. by determining this, you will be able to know whether or not there is a chance for significant improvement for regrowth.. if a large area is determined to have dead cells, why bother with treatment.. it may only get worse but this just means you're incapable of growing hair there with those original cells.. barring all hope for regrowth that might cover up your hairloss. I'm just curious if theres a professional practice other than like HAIR LOSS FOR MEN CLUB etc that can provide a professional opinion on the possibility for improvement.

2) Has ANYONE been to a clinic for LASER regrowth treatment.. I don't expect wonders from these places but is there any known benefit at all to this treatment? I'm thinking of going to the following clinic in Tampa:

They do an initial scalp analysis, so they claim, by magnifying your scalp 500x to evaluate your condition, kind of like what the doctor I was asking about in question 1 would probably do.. Each session/treatment runs $150 and they recommend 2 a week usually for a total of 12 weeks or so.. very expensive, but if theres benefit out of it like they claim it would be worth it.. I was at least thinking of doing the initial consultation to hear what they had to say..

3) Where can I buy finasteride cheap? Buying it as "propecia" is costing me a fortune.. $60 a month for 30 1mg tablets from walgreens.. is there anywhere else I can get it cheap either with or without a prescription ( I can get a prescribe from my dermatologist who is an idiot to begin with ).

4) Where can I buy minoxidil cheap and what brand do you recommend?

5) Does doctor lees 15% minoxidil or 12.5% minoxidil really have that much more of an affect on regrowth than 5%? Do you guys think its worth the money or would benefit someone just initially starting to fight hairloss?

6) Anyone feel tricomin is worth a sh*t? I've bought several bottles of it in the past.. I believe it has an ACID in it that makes your scalp feel wicked.. cause I'd spray it on consistently for like 5 minutes with 30-45 second intervals while I wiped in the excess spray and eventually I'd get a tingly feeling on my scalp that felt like the acid was penetrating the dermis or something.. weird.. but if I didnt use it for at least 5 mins saturating my scalp and rubbing it in manually, I would not get that feeling at all.. I'd have to assume its the acid in the formula.. is Tricomin worth a sh*t or is that acid worth a sh*t and can I buy it stand alone so I can mutate my scalp some more?

7) Does anyone know if masturbation (serious question) contributes to hairloss? Some say it does, some say it doesnt.. but I love blowing loads.. sensation is like no other.. so I do it several times a day and I think I might be stressing myself doing it..

It's my honest belief I am not suffering from male pattern baldness.. I believe its either a thyroid problem, stress problem, psychological problem that contributes to hair loss, or masturbation frequency causing unnecessary stress on the body.. such as I do hold my breath while I'm approaching the point of orgasm taking gasps every now and then.. I also appear to *worry* about things a lot.. I can forget the stupidest thing such as taking out the trash and a feeling of warmth comes over me and I'm like OH sh*t.. I don't know..

I'm having blood work done to determine thyroid issues and DHT levels..

8 ) Anyone know what doctor/professional exams thyroids that can link a problem with it to hairloss so I can eliminate the possibility all together? I might seriously have a thyroid disorder, I'm always getting sick, I'm constantly tired.. who knows.. I could very well have male pattern baldness but I think its a combo of other things.. only problem is, my hairloss has never gone from bad to better to good to worse.. ithe only consistent pattern has been from my original hair to not my original hair.. period.. so I'm not sure if that kind of pattern is consistent with any other possible contributing factors than male pattern baldness alone..

Well guys I guess that about sums it up.. I know I wrote a novel but your time/efforst ARE appreciated.. I came up with one solution that seems to work pretty well.. I shave my head with the shortest clip I have which I think its 1/8".. every morning, I sprinkle some johnson & johnson baby powder on my head.. i rub it into my scalp and use a dry cloth to wipe the excess "whiteness" appearence away.. what it seems to do is, take the shineyness away from those balding areas that you can see.. it dulls the entire scalp, at least for a few hours, so that you dont look AS bad.. your head looks like a little pale but not necessarily "white" as in ghost white.. I thinik it gives off a better appearence but hey, to each his own..



- Fuk Hairloss (soon to be RIP)


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I also appear to *worry* about things a lot.. I can forget the stupidest thing such as taking out the trash and a feeling of warmth comes over me and I'm like OH sh*t.. I don't know..

I'm no psychologist, but this would be my main concern. It sound like you are boarderline obsessive compulsive. Obsessive Compulsive and Body Dysmorphic are common in those of us who experience hair loss. Sometimes I wonder which came first in my own case.


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Is there medicine to treat that disorder? and is hairloss permenant for those who suffer from those disorders that have lost hair as a result? any probable chance of hair recovery? or are we as screwed as MBP sufferers?

Another reason I tend to doubt male pattern baldness comes into play here is because while I know it doesnt have to be inherrited, noone on my father or mothers side is was balding before 55. And even then they were only thinning, its not a family heritage thing, I'm almost sure of that.


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Im still not completely convinced that stress can cause long term hair loss. In fact im convinced that it can not. Temporary shedding maybe, to a barely noticeable extent, but even if you're Obsessive Compulsive I doubt you're going to make yourself lose your hair. I could be very wrong, but Im just not sold on it. Probably because Im tired of doctors blaming everything on stress rather than running the necessary diagnostic tests they should run. So now every time I hear stress as a cause for something I think its a cop out.

FUK - OCD is treated many different ways. There are medications for it, but your first step is to see if you can find a therapist. Usually, talking about things will really help you figure out whats going on in your mind, and once you understand yourself, you can begin to change your patterns.

I would take photos of your hair and sit back for the next 6 to 12 months. Take photos again at those times and compare them side by side. Maybe even videotape.. Thats another good way to get a realistic view. If you see no real change you could just be obsessing. If not you can always start on finasteride.


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IM me when your post is available in paperback :wink:

Sorry my ADD won't let me read something that long


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Fuk: First of all try and condense your posts. That thing was like reading a novel and because of that I was only able to peruse through it.

In my opinion from reading your post I would have to make two inferences. First of all you probably do have OCD. I think because of this condition your susceptible to over-anaylsing your hair thus making it out to be worse then it is. I feel that when someone needs assurance that they are going bald, they are often actually not. I mean after five years if your still not really sure if what you have is male pattern baldness then how bad could it really be.

Lastly, if you do finally conclude that you do have male pattern baldness then I would recommend you get a regimen and stick with it. Your not going to see results with any product if you don't give it at least six months. In fact many treatments have been known to induce shedding the initial few months.