Hairloss is controlling my life :(


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All I think about is hairloss, day and night. As hard as I try to keep my mind off it, I find any and every excuse to do something that involves walking past a mirror so I can stop and gaze at my hairline for 5 minutes.

I've been on finasteride and luxiq for about a month, and nizoral for about 4. I know it's too early to know if I'm responding well to finasteride, but I'm afraid I'm still losing, and every time I look in the mirror I feel it's gotten worse.

When there's no mirror around, I've constantly got my fingers running along my the edge of my hairline to check if it feels any different. I measure it once a day, to see if there's been any more recession. I've even devised makeshift ways of measuring it, such as putting the base of my index finger at my eyebrow, and seeing if I can touch the hairline still (which I can, but just barely). Even when I'm focusing on something else (such as a final I should be studying for at the moment), hairloss is always on the back burner.

I just can't seem to get away from thinking about it. Any tips for guys that might have experienced something like this? I'll try to get pictures for you guys tomorrow.


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yes i experience the same thing and it is just about the worst feeling 24/7.
I think about hair loss every second of everyday and night.

there is no reprieve.


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I am losing sleep because of this. I was dealing (kinda) when it was slow and then I just went diffuse allover and it put me in shock literally. I am still learning to cope with this crap and its been 8 years.


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gsxr60097 said:
I am losing sleep because of this. I was dealing (kinda) when it was slow and then I just went diffuse allover and it put me in shock literally. I am still learning to cope with this crap and its been 8 years.
wow 8 years? that's alot of time ,have you ever tryed shaving it?


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Just stop doing it or go see someone for obsessive compulsive disorder which is what that is.


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abcdefg said:
Just stop doing it or go see someone for obsessive compulsive disorder which is what that is.

I mean I have been losing for 8 years and it did bother me but this december I had the massive diffusing shed and since then I haven't been able to sleep or concentrate. It could be because I am turning 30 soon and my youth seems to be ending. I am sure all of these things combined are messing me up. That and I am single still.


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I take prescribed medicine for my OCD and it doesn't do a god damm thing for obsessing over hair loss.

I also want to add that saying things such as "just stop doing it" is hugely ignorant and does not work.


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blueshard said:
I take prescribed medicine for my OCD and it doesn't do a god damm thing for obsessing over hair loss.

I also want to add that saying things such as "just stop doing it" is hugely ignorant and does not work.

I am also agoraphobic and I have been taking meds for over a decade and they barely make it manageable if that. Similiar to what propecia actually does for hairloss. Life stinks.


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Moormada said:
All I think about is hairloss, day and night. As hard as I try to keep my mind off it, I find any and every excuse to do something that involves walking past a mirror so I can stop and gaze at my hairline for 5 minutes.


I just can't seem to get away from thinking about it. Any tips for guys that might have experienced something like this? I'll try to get pictures for you guys tomorrow.

Shave it and feel the weight leave your body.