Hairloss is starting to wear on me


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This life sucks...Anybody out there still think hair is an important factor as a young guy just entering the job market?

So I have three job interviews over the phone. Due to my education (MS in Chemical Engineering) and related work experience, I am offered one position in Chicago after 30 min interview with the manager (no onsite!).

The other two positions, I am offered expense paid onsite interviews the following week.

Had one on Monday, received an email immediately Tuesday morning stating another candidate was a better match. Not sure what I did wrong, had 8 interviews with different managers, and I felt that I did well for the most part. I was definitely qualified for the position So what the f***?? Why the immediate negative response? Is it because the employers do not know what I look like over the phone, but once they see me, their attitudes change, and BIAS sets in? Several times during the day, I was told I look tired and asked if I needed to get a drink or use the restroom to freshen up. What the hell?? This has happened to me many times before...I am really starting to freak out :freaked2:

I am so bummed...I not even looking forward to my next onsite interview in California (LA) this coming Monday. I will be speaking to the CEO (he is only 32) and I am sure he is going to impart some bias towards me.

If someone reading this, has experienced this, please let me know. Please do not post a reply, if you are not in this phase of hairloss/recent college grad/entry-level position interviewing, since you will not be able to give a truthful/educated response.



Established Member
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Your hairloss doesnt sound that us some pics so we can give you an honest opinion


Senior Member
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Dude, your take on this is BS. It is not your freakin' hair. Everyone has been turned down for jobs are jumping to a conclusion because you are absolutely obsessed. It probably affects your demeanor in an interview. Even if it doesn't, you can't win them all...being passed over for other candidates has happened to everyone, hair or not. For those it hasn't, it will in the future.

Go to the next interview and be confident. It may or may not happen for you there. If it doesn't, go to the next. It WILL happen eventually...and it won't be for surplus or lack of hair.


Senior Member
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You had interviews with 4 companies. If there is a job somewhere for every grad, and they all apply to 4 companies, then when the companies pick, they should reject 3 people, so you should get rejected by 3 out of the 4 companies, unless you are much better than the average grad and they fight over you.


Are you on finasteride? I have noticed that I have developed dark circles and some wrinkles under my eyes since being on finasteride. I look as I have been partying for 3 three days without any sleep. If people are asking you whether you are tired it might be because of these dark circles under your eyes.


Experienced Member
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Taugenichts said:
Are you on finasteride? I have noticed that I have developed dark circles and some wrinkles under my eyes since being on finasteride. I look as I have been partying for 3 three days without any sleep. If people are asking you whether you are tired it might be because of these dark circles under your eyes.

I developed those dark circles a couple of years ago, just before my hair loss really started in earnest - wonder if there's a connection. I don't mind having them there - people just ask me if I'm coming off heroin and I say, yeah, man, I got it real bad.

I think hair loss has a definite effect in some job situations - jobs which have a cosmetic appeal. But research/engineering and so on - I can't see any company passing over a bright capable candidate for the sake of a few hairs. Hairwegoagain is right - demeanour -if you let you hair loss effect your demeanour then it's very telling.