Hairloss is the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with.


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Hi there to the original op - you have very long hair and guys choose long hair as an image . The loss of your hair is a major loss of your identity this is what is causing the massive psychological distress. Losing your identity is a real breaker for people , so everything your feeling is not abnormal . Your not the first to go through this and won't be the last . You can come out the other side of this and live a happy life again , but you need some help to get there . Get your depression treated by a doctor is your first point of call and then seeing a good CBT therapist is next. Your stuck in a rut at the moment and if you have no one to push you out of it you'll need to climb out the car and walk yourself to get that help you need. I really wish you well and I'm sure you can pull yourself up and get some help. Best regards - steve'o


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Hi there to the original op - you have very long hair and guys choose long hair as an image . The loss of your hair is a major loss of your identity this is what is causing the massive psychological distress. Losing your identity is a real breaker for people , so everything your feeling is not abnormal . Your not the first to go through this and won't be the last . You can come out the other side of this and live a happy life again , but you need some help to get there . Get your depression treated by a doctor is your first point of call and then seeing a good CBT therapist is next. Your stuck in a rut at the moment and if you have no one to push you out of it you'll need to climb out the car and walk yourself to get that help you need. I really wish you well and I'm sure you can pull yourself up and get some help. Best regards - steve'o

Thanks- it's been particularly hard lately. I started losing hair really fast last year and I thought I'd make it to at least my late 20's with long hair before it got bad. I just hate not having a choice. I tried finasteride and I got really, really, really bad side effects. Thinking about trying it again though. Lately, it's been hard to concentrate. Hard to feel emotion. Hard to be happy. Hairloss consumes my life and personality. It's really awful.


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Just saw this thread and while I'm younger than you and I'm still with no noticeable hair loss situation, I feel like I'm battling awful genetics and I'll probably suffer from sever recession. I can correlate with you because I was always fond of letting my hair grow, I can't imagine not being able to do that. Appearance does matter, I spend days after days locked in my room worrying about the future. I have a girl and just the thought that if I go bald I'll probably lose her for good... The fact that you have to look at it in everyday's mirrors... It's really hard to consume, and I'm walking to your situation.

I'm scared ****less of going bald, the thought of it makes me, quite honestly, snatch my own life.


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no noticeable hair loss situation

I'll probably suffer from sever recession

worrying about the future.

if I go bald

I'm scared ****less of going bald

So your not even balding, but you are here because you might go bald?
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hey man, im not hair expert that can offer a solution, but after reading your first post, and then looking at your pics, i thought they would be so much worse.

stop sweatin it man, if you think the hair is that bad, maybe you need a different hair style, like shorter hair.

but you made it sound much worse. i just hope that helps