Hairloss is unfairly expensive


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I've been having some pretty good regrowth with my treatments, but god damn, its so expensive. Rogaine foam is about 300 bucks to import a years worth to canada, NANO shampoo is 80 bucks a year and legit Propecia without medical coverage is 70 bucks a month. I went for so long with a shaved head so its kind of nice to have hair again, but i mean, damn. its so unfair to have to pay this much money just for some hair when everyone else gets it for free.


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Yup hairloss is just unfair period. :(


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Hair loss can be expensive to treat but I feel that if it increases your self-confidence and allows you to focus on the more important aspects of your life (i.e. career, family), you should consider spending the money.

Otherwise, not only will you be suffering from hair loss but the more important elements of your life are going to suffer as well.


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Yeah, trying to keep your hair is expensive no matter how you go about it. I've been using rogaine, propecia, and nizoral for quite some time now with minimal results. My hairloss might have slowed down and perhaps just a bit of it grew back (and I'm not positive about that), but in the end I had to ask myself if that was worth it. Oh, and there were the concealers I was spending all kinds of cash on. Finally I decided to shave my head completely for awhile just to try it out. I like it so far. Yes, I'd much rather have a full head of hair, but the effort I was putting into it just wasn't paying off.


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Add up what women are socially required to spend on make-up......

Hairloss prevention isn't expensive (especially with entirely legit generics.... less than $100/year)

Hairloss prevention is only hyper-expensive when you've left it too long: just like a woman with basic facial social up-keep when she hasn't used moisturiser since 15.

The cost for men to look young are much much less.


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BungleBungle said:
Add up what women are socially required to spend on make-up......

Hairloss prevention isn't expensive (especially with entirely legit generics.... less than $100/year)

Hairloss prevention is only hyper-expensive when you've left it too long: just like a woman with basic facial social up-keep when she hasn't used moisturiser since 15.

The cost for men to look young are much much less.
Yeah, it costs a lot for women to look the way they think they should, but that's a topic for another thread.
I'd also love to know how you get rogaine, propecia, and nizoral for less than a hundred dollars a year. I was getting the three month pack of generic minoxidil from Walmart for twenty four bucks. That by itself cost over a hundred a year. Factor in the propecia, nizoral, and concealers, and we're talking quite a bit of money. And remember not everybody can get their doctor to prescribe generic finasteride. I could afford that stuff, but just didn't feel the results were enough to justify keeping it up.


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Its expensive as you want it to be.

hair loss in itself is painless and free. Treatments however are a hassle and are expensive.


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thetodd said:
I'd also love to know how you get rogaine, propecia, and nizoral for less than a hundred dollars a year..

United Pharmacies!

A year of finasteride (as Proscar generic Fistide) = $60/year

A year of nizoral (at application 2/3 times a week) = $40/ year (3 bottles)

That's a solid regime unless you're very genetically unlucky. I don't include Rogaine in that list, as I was talking about reacting at the first signs: I see Rogaine as being needed when you've begun finasteride too late)


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The cost of treatments is through the roof and there's no guarantee they will work. I care more about spending my money wisely than preserving my hair so I just made a low-cost one-off payment on hair clippers.
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Ah yes, it does leave a sour taste in the mouth to have to shell out exorbitant amounts of money in the vain hope of maintaining what other young men take for granted. And no matter how much I'm able and willing to spend I'll no doubt end up bald anyway simply because it's in my genes. Life's great like that.

somone uk

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it's the world we live in
profits matter more than people,
everyone is a knobhead who only really cares about themselves

the only way we could stop this is to not have kids so we could therefore reduce the market next year
and currently it's the only cure for male pattern baldness


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First of all, compared to my other expenses hairloss treatment isn't that expensive. Also, compare that with the amount of money women spend on beauty products.

We spend more money on hairloss treatments than on malaria research. Hairloss is cosmetic, whereas malaria, AIDS, etc are a matter of life and death but we don't pay the same attention to them.

Boots has a 3 for 2 sale at the moment. I was there last weekend and I bought nizoral and Alpecin and I got 1/3 off. I basically bought 3 items but paid for 2. Those shampoos will last me at least 6 months.

Holland and Barret also has a sale, hair&skin&nail supplements are heavily discounted. I got 3 months worth of supplements for less than £10. (I'm not sure about hairloss, but my skin and nails are definitely healthier)

So my total monthly expenses work out around £5 at the moment, that's shampoos and supplements. I was previously on minoxidil and that was £6 a month. I also bought cheap finasteride for about £10 in the past. So, if I was using minoxidil and finasteride my monthly cost would have been ~£20. (I can't use minoxidil and finasteride due to side effects)

£20 a month might be too much for some students, but then again they drink like fish and spend that sort of money on a single night out.


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emex4 said:
[...] its so unfair to have to pay this much money just for some hair when everyone else gets it for free.

Hairloss treatments don't have to be expensive. Instead of Propecia, try Proscar and cut it into 4ths: you'll save a fortune and get the same results. I've been doing it for 13 years and I can't complain.

Don't take generics. They're cheaper but they are always a risk and usually less effective than brand drugs. Health is more important than money.


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As I've stated already, I recently decided to shave my head instead of continuing to use rogaine, finasteride, and nizoral. I was able to afford the hairloss treatments, but after over a year of it without seeing any truly significant results, there seemed to be no reason to continue fighting a losing battle.
However, let me add this one caveat. I'm 40, happily married to a beautiful wife with whom I'm raising a daughter, and we're financially secure. Were I a younger man looking for both female companionship and a good job, who knows? I might take out a loan to get a hair transplant.
I work for myself and my wife has made it abundantly clear that she has no problem with my newly shiny dome. So let me make it clear that I'm not criticizing those who are fighting valiently to keep their hair. My situation allows me the liberty of just saying, "the heck with it". Others of you might not be in that same position.


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thetodd said:
As I've stated already, I recently decided to shave my head instead of continuing to use rogaine, finasteride, and nizoral. I was able to afford the hairloss treatments, but after over a year of it without seeing any truly significant results, there seemed to be no reason to continue fighting a losing battle.
However, let me add this one caveat. I'm 40, happily married to a beautiful wife with whom I'm raising a daughter, and we're financially secure. Were I a younger man looking for both female companionship and a good job, who knows? I might take out a loan to get a hair transplant.
I work for myself and my wife has made it abundantly clear that she has no problem with my newly shiny dome. So let me make it clear that I'm not criticizing those who are fighting valiently to keep their hair. My situation allows me the liberty of just saying, "the heck with it". Others of you might not be in that same position.

Interesting post.

I'm glad you feel this way and this is probably the best way to handle baldness, but I couldn't possibly imagine my life without hair. I was never blessed with good looks but I like to look in the mirror and see a fit body and a head with hair - in my case, it has nothing to do with my job or my girlfriend.

Nashville Hairline

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BungleBungle said:
thetodd said:
I'd also love to know how you get rogaine, propecia, and nizoral for less than a hundred dollars a year..

United Pharmacies!

A year of finasteride (as Proscar generic Fistide) = $60/year

A year of nizoral (at application 2/3 times a week) = $40/ year (3 bottles)

That's a solid regime unless you're very genetically unlucky. I don't include Rogaine in that list, as I was talking about reacting at the first signs: I see Rogaine as being needed when you've begun finasteride too late)
How do you stretch out 3 bottles of nizoral in a year? I'm lucky if it lasts a month per bottle applying 3 times a week.


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Nashville Hairline said:
How do you stretch out 3 bottles of nizoral in a year? I'm lucky if it lasts a month per bottle applying 3 times a week.

Well, most of the online guides I have seen suggest we use a quarter size amount of shampoo. According to my calculations that's 3.5ml. So, from a 60ml bottle of nizoral, you get 17 washes. A bottle should last you 5 to 6 weeks. If you use it twice a week, you could even make it stretch to 8-9 weeks.

I have also read that less is more, or we need to apply enough to lather up and just leave the shampoo to sit there for a few minutes.

I don't know in ml how much I apply, but my guess is that I use about 2-2.5ml. I use nizoral intermittently, I don't think about it, I just use it whenever I feel like it and three bottles a year is very much realistic for me.

200ml shampoo lasts me about 3-4 months. My last bottle of Alpecin lasted me 4 months. I shower 5-6 days a week and sometimes I use nizoral, that's why I guess that I use about 2-2.5ml per wash.

At the moment I have 3 bottles of Alpecin, it was buy 2 get 3rd free deal in Boots. I don't think I'll be buying any shampoo for the next 12 months.

Nashville Hairline

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That Boots deal sounds great..gonna check that out. I guess I've been going overboard on the nizoral - the amount I pour into the palm of my hand is about 5cm in diameter.

By your usage you still get through about 9 or 10 bottles a year...the original poster was only using three. I'd still be concerned that the latter isn't enough to have any sort of anti-androgenetic effect over time.