Hairloss - my rant


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Does anyone feel that they are treated like a chump or less than other people because of this? I used to be addressed a different way when I had my hair almost as if people were talking to me like I was their equal. Now I see myself being talked down to in a condescending way being addressed numerous times in sarcastic ways being called things such as "buddy" and "pal" almost as if people think they are better than you because they have their hair and you don't. I get people constantly trying to talk over me. I just started a new job last week with 30 people in a training class and the only ones almost bald were me and this other guy. Ironically when they told us to pair off, him and I were the only ones without a partner. I was supposed to be learning a new job but instead I had one half of my mind on my hair and the other on my job. This just f*cking sucks especially when I see women paying attention to these dumb f*cks who only have their hair going for them getting ahead. I also notice how some people almost shun you and act like you aren't even there, giving dirty looks etc.
There is that old saying that clothes make the man but in reality you can make a good case for saying that "hair makes the man". I've seen so many guys out there with nothing going for them, ie short, fat, acne etc except that they have good hair with hot women. It pisses me off to no end that I lose out because of how much hair is on my head. I have so many other things going for me i.e. blue eyes, good complexion, good shape etc but can't get a woman interested in me though I've been told that I'm funny, charming, witty, etc. For whatever reason I'm never good enough and I'm almost convinced that unfortunately hair is that reason.


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personally I'd tell you to hit the gym then if u've got a good complexion and nice eyes etc. If ur tanned and well built you should do okay - look at Vin Diesel he is ther perfect example.

I am sorry to read that though it sucks, especially if you have to wear a uniform or something and are unable to show off your dress sense

The Gardener

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OK guys, take this lesson from someone who has been there and done that.

You need to change your attitude. First off, women feed off a lot more than just a hairline. Sure, a nice low hairline adds to attractiveness, but so do other things in the eyes of a woman. A nice body helps. A woman will choose a balding man who is fit, muscular, well-dressed, and well-spoken over most normal guys with full hairlines.

Yes, suffering from male pattern baldness is a handicap. So, you are going to have to work to overcome it. Way back when, when I was first suffering from this I really made sort of a pact with myself to fight back. I started paying attention to my wardrobe. I have always been healthy and enjoyed exercise, but I paid more attention to it. I spent a few more bucks for my haircuts so I could go to a professional hairstylist who knew how to cut hair of people suffering hairloss. He gave me a shorter cut, but the cut added some thickness to my existing hair. I paid attention to nutrition, and made sure I never walked out the door looking anything less than kickass.

Most of all, and I think the new attention paid to the clothes helped, I just developed this attitude of 'I am fantastic no matter how bald my temples are'. Believe me, women are intrigued by, and really attracted to confidence. If you look confident, and present yourself like you got your sh*t together, girls won't give two shits about your hair recession.

Girls get their cue on how to react to you based mostly on how you act towards them. If you approach them timidly, because you are self-conscious about your hairloss, then they will blow you off. If you approach them confidently, like you have your sh*t together, and look healthy and buff and are wearing up-to-date and stylish clothes that fit you well, they will be intrigued and wonder what your deal is. You have to work for it. Pay attention to details. Get yourself in the game. Don't sit back and accept mediocrity. It is better to have hair recession and be good in the other aspects of the game than it is to give up and sit back and just expect girls to come to you. They won't. Get in the game and win.