Hairloss opinions on myself?


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I am 24 years old and looking to restore my frontal hairline to its full glory. Its only frontal hairloss that i am suffering from atm although i personally feel that is the most impactive as its what you see everyday.

Unfortunately I am of the group that i will not accept my hairloss so that only leave me with one other option - to do something about it.

I have been carrying out a few years of reserach now and have concluded that I am only interested in FUE.

From the pics what norwood scale would i be classed. I have been told by a Doctor that betweek 2.5 - 3.

I have been in finasteride now for about a year and seemed to have brought it to a hault.

Man in Space

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Your probably a Norwood 2 to 2.5, your not a 3 yet imo.

One thing i would say is i think your hair looks great as it is, sure its a little receded but it looks good and suits you, its not gonna hold you back in life, i personally would wait for a few more years and see how you are holding up on meds as the longer you can leave a hair transplant the better and you the use of finasteride and minoxidil (not sure if you are using that too?) can take years before you see the full benefits

By the way i noticed you are considering a hair transplant in the uk, i would caution against using a uk surgeon, make sure you do your research. best of luck


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Thanks for your post.

I appreciate your comments. Ye i tried minoxidil but to eb honest i wwas far too lazy for it and seemed to give me a headache after useage for some reason.

Ye i no about the bad press UK doctors get. I have had a look around some and to be honest the only one that gives me any confidence is DR Rogers of Westminister Clinic - i no saying this will provoke alot of reactions from those anti UK doctors - but the thought of having some sort of OP in a foreign contry where i dont speak language and unfamiliar settings is jsut not appealing.

Man in Space

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hey, no worries, yeah minoxidil can give headaches, how long did you use it for? I got headaches and sometimes palpitations to begin with, first month or so but theyve all gone now and i have grown a fair amount back. Not trying to persuade you, just saying that its worth it.

Haha its not that were anti-uk as such, i was the same as you when i started looking into hair transplants but over the course of time looking into it i realise its a little counter-productive. Youve got to live with the results of this for a life. There is a huge amount of research to be done, not sure how much you have done yet but keep educating yourself and know that you are alright, you have most of your hair and you can get this sorted anytime, so whats the rush? might as well take your time and make 100% certain.

Say for example you had a million pound car and it needed a new part, would you drive to say belgium (where two of the worlds best fue drs are located) and get the best part for it (and a cheaper price i might add) or would you prefer to drive it to somewhere in the uk and pay way over the odds for a dud that may well blow your car up?! It makes no sense to stay in the uk when its rationalised. Someone like dr ******** or dr feriduni is just a train from london away and a cab from the station once you get to belgium, its not difficult and you will be in some of the most well prepared hands in the world.


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The OP sounds like one of the lucky users who don't exhibit side effects. But be careful about its use and if you sense anything abnormal stop taking it.

It must be mentioned that pharmaceutical companies either misrepresent or mistake (unintentionally or not) the likelihood of side-effects downwards. The information Mr. 4000 is very important and relevant.

I used to take propecia for about 6 mos. I was very excited to keep what hair I had at the time, was a Norwood 3 now I am a norwood 7 though. I had lost the ability to get "turned on" at the appropriate times, although I could wank myself at times that doesn't matter if a woman is waiting naked under the sheets for you. After I stopped taking it took several months for me to get the old sensations back.

I am looking into getting a hair transplant also even though everyone says to just shave my head. If you are older it is OK to have a bald head but if you are youngish (30s) it just looks weird in a social environment. Also I am seeking a fertile woman 24-32, not much older because I don't want to end up with someone who cant get pregnant or worse produces children with health problems.

Mr. 4000

Ben said:
Buckeye1 wrote:
The OP sounds like one of the lucky users who don't exhibit side effects. But be careful about its use and if you sense anything abnormal stop taking it.

You make it sound like side effects are extremely common and only a minority do not get side effects. Its actually the reverse unless you have been brainwashed by all the anti-finasteride stuff.

[quote:1e0s02wk]The information Mr. 4000 is very important and relevant.

Its relevant to hairloss but not to this thread.[/quote:1e0s02wk]

do you have a brain that works?

Isn't every thread on hairloss in every forum, about hairloss? What did I miss?

did you read the entire article? or did you do the once over for the vocabulary thinking it was only about hairloss drugs?


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Mr 4000, i thought that was very helpful, ignore ben, he thinks hes a moderator on these forums :gay: