hairloss research/cures


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I went to see a hair specialists about a year ago, and as I suspected I am suffering from male pattern baldness. She said that there was slight re-ciding in the front etc. And told me about the big three blah blah

In recent mounths and especially the last couple of days I have noticed the hair from the crown seems to be coming out easiar. I know I haven't that got that long to go, classic syptoms. When I get some money over the next couple of mounths, I'm going to make start on some treatment.

Anyway, the Makers of Propecia and Rogaine are in the business of making money. In any other business, people try to improve their product to remain at the top, and to also get more customers. What is it with the people behind these products, have they done anything to try to improve these products.

It seems amazing to me that the last hairloss product approved by the FDA happened about 7 years ago!!!!!

I think that the makers of these products need to pull there fingers out of there fat asses and do some research. Talk to people who are using there products so that they will have a large amount of data for several thousand people.

I believe that 83% of the people that use Propecia maintain there hair. They need to do research on the 17% of the people that didn't. Find out why they are not seeing any results, are they a certain blood group, or is it something in their diet, is it becasue they are a certain ethnic group, what age are they ? how long have they been losing there?? Are they suffering from anything else? History of male pattern baldness in family? when did your father start losiing there hair etc etc etc..

They could do the same thing for the good responders. With all these variables they might be able to calculate that somebody only needs to use 0.5mg of Propecia to see results and somebody else might need to use 1.5mg.

And if they kept on analysing these results they might be able to improve these products so that there is less side-effects and more results. They need to do something, because this disease effects so many peoples lives and how people feel about themselves. It can really f%^&*k people up otherwise we wouldn't be on this forum would we