hairloss treatment and steroids


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im currently looking into hairloss treatment and have just ordered 12 months supply of minoxidil. I am also considering a steroid cycle of Deca and Sustanon with maybe dianabol tablets. I have been told there are some things not to mix, any help on this greatly appreciated



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Your best bet is to search on in the steroid section.

Don't quote me, but I believe IIRC that your best bet while on dutasteride etc is to take something like Test-E. I know there was one that everyone said to avoid while on dutasteride/finasteride.

Don't take my word for it, do a search on


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the general rule is not to use deca while taking finasteride (which you don't seem to be taking). Deca is said to be reasonably safe (for hair) when not taking an DHT inhibitor (finasteride) but seems tolerable for hair when not taking one. However, test is more tolderable (for hair) when taking a DHT inhibitor to counteract the increase in DHT conversion you will experience from the extra test in your system.

Also, i have heard many people say tabs (d-bol and especially anapolon) are really aggressive on your hair and if you value your hairline, its best to avoid them.

That being said, i have never taken steroids simply because i value my hair more than my guns - and even though i've been training for 4 years solidly, and I'm not 'happy' with my body in that respect - it gives me a continuous motivation to train i guess.

Do as much research as possible before you do any juice, and good luck.


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man im gonna do a deca cycle soon while using minoxidil and revivogen is this enouth?