Hairloss with acne


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Hello, I was wondering if anyone would recommend any products to use to get rid of scalp acne. I seem to get it all over my thin areas, especially the front areas. I have tried all possible antidandruff shampoos (head&shoulders,selsunblue and even I'm using Nizoral) but it hasn't diminished the amount of acne on my scalp. The acne actually started when I started using a shampoo called "Nioxin", it definitely irritated my scalp and has given me the acne till today I cannot get rid of. I've even seen dr.'s who proscribe me antibiotics and creams (minocycline) but they have not helped since I been using it almost 2months now. I've had this acne problem for 6 months and I've already discontinued using Nioxin 4 months ago. The acne is so bad, its itchy, red and irritating and it doesn't help me hairloss either :( so can anyone help me..


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Minocycline is useless. Sorry, just wanted to get that out.

Anyway, when you say scalp acne, do you mean acne literally in your hair or just on the front of your hairline.

If it's actually in your hair, then I've got bad news for you; it's going to have to be something orally. Since you've already tried minocycline, the only other one that I can think of is accutane. Now that's some SERIOUS stuff, as its one of the top three most dangerous drugs in America (or at least I think because only 2 others do you have to actually sign extra waivers for). Unless you've got some facial/back acne, I doubt you're going to get on it.

I suppose you could try applying some cream/wiping your head with one of the pads, but I don't know how effective that would be (unless you shaved your head completely).