, heads up brother


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hangininthere, your regimin cracks me up here it is , no this is for real this is really how he plans on keeping his hair and or regrowing- I repeat this is not a joke this is really his regimin......

Hangin Daily Regimen
1)Ultra Hair by Natures Plus, 2
2)Kal... Amino Max 2
3)Saw Palmetto 320mg standardized
4)Beta Sitosterol 375mg
5)Pygeum 500mg
6)Nettles 500mg
7)Green Tea 500mg


Experienced Member
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lol yea im takin Mens One a Day vitamin and im gettin hair regrowth like never before lol


Beta-Sisterol tried to create multiple names so he could sell Propecia and Avodart here. He's angry that we don't allow it.

But let them say nasty things. Controversy = exposure. The more they talk about us, the more people know about the site, and the more people will get help with their hair loss, so let them talk :)

When we start doing newsletters and getting our name out there again like we have started to since January, people start coming out of the woodwork to say nasty things. Never fails. It's sad, they're mostly 35 to 40 year old guys who do nothing but sit on hair loss sites all day.

I can't believe that between the two of them, over 60 messages were posted in a period of one day. Trying to find ways around the bans, etc.

Grown men?


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Goodness, they posted a 50,000 thread just about They must really like you :)

Also, I really like the way
that everything posted
n that site
owly begins to
disapear off m


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Also isn't it kinda irresponsible to advocate a product that had no definitive PROOF of its effectiveness? Any proprietor of any form of medium shouldn't let his views of things supercede reality. Anyone ever watch CNN? There yah go.


These guys, as childish and incredibly immature as they are acting, just want to be free to express their opinions.

The problem comes in when their opinions contain information or claims that are scientifically wrong. They don't want to be corrected.

We're not here to influence opinions, but we are here to keep things factually based when the facts are in error. Certain topics, like "Can someone claim that something works even though the scientific data says it does not work? And... with all the subjectivity of opinion, should people be allowed to rile themselves and others up on their subjective results, without having photos to prove it?" may never be resolvable.

But there are other foundational problems that won't change. One of the two guys wrote a 4 page post simply on how much it bugs him that we get involved in the threads.

Im not too sure there's a solution.



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I normally like to give someone the benefit of the doubt, but these guys are just nutz, let it go. Propecia did not work and they are to much of apussy to try minoxidil, so they begin to take shots in the dark with theoreticall science. His hairloss is probably not that bad and is not progressing so he thinks that these highly UN-PROVEN products are doing something. Then goes on a preaching rampage.

If they could just say that, with there particular state of hairloss maybe these products might help, but if you want proven results get on propecia.

Beleive me, Hanginginthere you d*ckhead(with obviously nothing better to do) You think you may be doing people a favour. But the sad truth is that you are mis-leading people and someone with solid hairloss would be F*cked with your advice.


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meanwhile that guy opened 50 screen names here everytime he got banned. what a fool.. you know i never liked propecia but i realized that the smart thing to do was start using it. i did and my hair is getting better and is staying on my head. that guy will lose his hair and then come to his senses that none of the sh*t he takes reverses just makes the hairs healthy that aren't affected by hairloss for now. i read the posts in that thread. what morons. looks like this guy probably even made more screen names to agree with himself


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SWEET JESUS ALL MIGHTY! Chirst those fuckers are a sad bunch of losers. Any chance we can make a claim that enemas can cause regrowth and hold a meet and greet? I am sure someone would be more than willing to :snipersmilie: :2gunsfiring_v1: :firing: all of those psychotic dipshits when they come to the meeting.


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those are the type of idiots that if they found a link with an article on it that said that it was possible to regrow hair by pouring urine on it , they would do it. someone make a page like that and post it there. it'd be pure comedy


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no wonder cameron diaz has such nice thick hair


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I bet that sites server would overload from all the hate messages they would post. Just from one fools post it has spawned at least 50 people jumping on the wagon to show how foolish they are too. Just think of the mass anarchy that would arise if someone posted a link to this thread over there.

Really I wish someone would assume the false identity of a made up lab company and start making reports on how obscure things caused hair regrowth. Something to the likes of drinking 5 raw eggs a day will stimulate the follicle's growth cycle because male pattern baldness can be caused by a lack of protein. If someone has a little science background or is creative it would be funny as hell to see some people over there scrambling to buy large amounts of eggs. Only draw back would be that some people new to hair loss might actually believe that garbage.


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My thoughts exactly Odelay. All it takes is a teeny weeny bit of science and a ton of completely made up conjecture, and you'll instantly have a following.

That is EXACTLY (!!!!!!!!!!!!!) why it is so important to educate people instead of just let opinions run rampant all the time.


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Don't go Nick, it is disturbing as hell the the extent of what some of them are willing to believe. No joke they find a website with a blurb about some moot research that has been done by some lab and think the treatment works, no questions asked. I was pre-med in college for a bit and ended up getting a minor in biology for some reason, I think it was a good recruiter for that department of the university. Anyways, I can pick out an actual lab study that was done on a product for it's effectiveness pretty easy as could anyone else. A study done by an actual lab in the proper manner would be a long document, I am talking about many, many pages long and would detail every possible thing to avoid problems like what is going on now. I have seen some of the sites many of the people over there are getting their information from and it is funny in a sad way. I remember seeing that one study was done on 8 people for like 10 weeks and there were people going out to get the product because they saw some random were the research was done and figured it would work

The sad truth is that people are letting their desperation interfere with thinking clearly. Of course some random company will say their product works when it won't, many people will do just about anything to make money. Just look at Ken, people bash him to death over and over again, then they go out and purchase something like that Procrein (that vitamin pill for hair loss). You can't help but laugh because you try and tell them they are wrong but they are too stubborn to accept the fact they might have been tricked.

And so the dramody of hair loss continues. :)