, Yardbird


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I noticed that the both of you are stopping finasteride after a number of years.



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I got sides, and I'm not talking about cole slaw and french fries.
I had erection problems and perhaps slightly decreased libido.
I should probably wait to tell everyone this, but it's been 7 months on Nizoral and Revivogen (both in place of finasteride), and my hair is in the best shape it's been in yrs.
I'll keep you guys posted.


Senior Member
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What is this madness? A glimmer of positivity?

Two years on my regimen: No sides, solid improvement, total maintenence.


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You've only been off finasteride for 3 months according to your regimen.


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Nexus, thanks for the well-wishing, man.

helpmefindmyhair said:

You've only been off finasteride for 3 months according to your regimen.

Right you are, Helpme. I've been on Revivogen and Nizoral for about 7 months and off finasteride for three months. It's the weirdest thing, but since I've been off finasteride, I've started to notice some thickening in my hair. I think it could be that Revivogen and Nizoral are actually starting to kick in now that they've had time to do so.

I wasn't going to post anything about my current positive results because I realize that three months may not tell the whole story about what life after finasteride will be like. However, I'm guardedly optimistic about the situation since I'm seeing an increase in thickness since quitting finasteride three months ago. I was planning to report my results to you guys at the 6 or 12 month mark off finasteride. However, your question prompted my premature update.