Hairmax and shedding


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Hey all,

I know that it is typical to experience an initial shed once starting the hairmax treatments; but I am curious if this can actually happen right from day one. I typically shed maybe 5 hairs while brushing my hair in the morning. I started my hairmax treatments last night; and this morning i shed perhaps 75 hairs while brushing my hair (15x more than normal!). Is it possible that the hairmax can cause such a drastic change to the hair cycle so quickly?

Also, i realize this may be in part due to the strange brushing pattern required for the treatments (particularly brushing up from the sides to the crown); perhaps this dislodged many of my hairs which accounts for some of the shed? If that is the case; do you think thats only temporary; that is to say I am only dislodging the hairs that were weak in the first place, and I'll be less likely to dislodge hairs as much in the future (culling the herd, etc). For the record it seems a good number of the hairs that i shed today had the white club like ending to them (most likely telogen phase then).

Any information you can give me would be extremely appreciated. Thank you in advance.


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Hi Ouroboros

I used Hairmax regularly for just on five months last year hoping it would stop my hairloss. I had stopped using Minoxidil shortly before starting with Hairmax. It was probably the worst mistake ever. I lost a lot of hair during those four - five months. And I'm not saying that Hairmax accelerated the hairloss - I'm just saying that it does nothing to prevent it.

Since November/December last year I started the Minoxidil again and I started taking Propecia - the combination of which has significantly improved my hair regrowth. And while it is probably fine to use Hairmax in addition to these therapies I would not suggest using it solely.

I hope this helps. I do seem to be shedding a bit more hair this month (my seventh month on Propecia and my sixth on Minoxidil) - but I can only hope that it never gets as bad as when I was using Hairmax.

I am not sure if anyone else has experienced the same thing with Hairmax - but I would be wary of listening to their "Wait and see the improvement" methodology.

Good luck!



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Thanks for the reply.

Well I am in my second week of the Hairmax use and I've notice that my increase in shedding has halted. In fact my shedding has gone practically down to zero. My hair also just seems noticeably thicker. Maybe I am just in the category of those who will find it effective and you were not (ya know what they say, some treatments work for some people, some dont). Also; where you using it correctly? As in clean scalp; pausing for 4 seconds on each spot before moving etc. I am extremely a*** about doing things the right way; so that may account for my thus far beneficial results.


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good luck Ouroboros i hope your hair thickens well