Hairpiece behind a transplanted hairline


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Hey guys. I have a question because I am considering getting a hair transplant to restore my hairline. However, if I continue to lose hair behind it, and I run out of donor hair to cover these areas, how will a partial hairpiece look behind the transplanted hairline? My guy instinct tells me I will be able to pull it off with undetectability, especially since the part that usually gives them away--the hairline--will be transplanted and would look natural. Would it turn out ok if lets say I had my own transplated hair up front, then the hairpiece hair on the midscalp and/or crown, and my own hair everywhere else? Would I be able to blend it? If so, I'm going for the plunge with the hair transplant b/c then I my worst-case scenario would be a partial hairpiece as described above. Please help, all advice is greatly appreciated.


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I have been thinking the saem thing, think its a sound idea. If you lose more hair after hair transplant evenif you are on meds then HM could become available before you end up having to wear a system


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hair transplant at the front, hairpiece on the top, and Rogaine at the back with a delicate sprinkling of Toppik for good measures is the choice of true warriors.


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hair23 said:
a partial hairpiece look behind the transplanted hairline? My guy instinct tells me I will be able to pull it off with undetectability, especially since the part that usually gives them away--the hairline--will be transplanted and would look natural. .

A excellant choice and it works well. I normally advise those who are thinking of transplants to use their money and limited donar hair on the frontal area only. We can easily replace the rest. The hairline hides the unit as you say.. For years I wore mine in this manor.


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so since I'm grafted to NW2, I can't use a system to get to NW1.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
so since I'm grafted to NW2, I can't use a system to get to NW1.

With a system you can have any Norwood you desire.
Try to be age appropriate.

Or if you desire, wear your hairline 1" above your eyebrows and the thickest you can purchase.
That is if attention is what you seek. posting.php?mode=quote&f=14&p=386659#


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ToupMaster said:
collegechemistrystudent said:
so since I'm grafted to NW2, I can't use a system to get to NW1.

With a system you can have any Norwood you desire.
Try to be age appropriate.

Or if you desire, wear your hairline 1" above your eyebrows and the thickest you can purchase.
That is if attention is what you seek. posting.php?mode=quote&f=14&p=386659#

I'm in my 27, so I think I can pull a NW1, or at least a NW1.5. I'd not go as low as some though. I'd just copy some of the 22 year olds in my classes. But if I don't have grafts in front of the piece, how noticeable would it be? I realize that with extremely close scrutiny any piece would be noticeable, but I'm just wondering about 2 feet away.


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Instead of copying some other 22 year olds hairline from your class's, when your 27, why don't you just fill in your own natural hairline. Any doctor or Hair Replacement person or possibly you yourself with a mirror can find and identify your original hairline. Although when your in your late 30's, 40's and so on in life.... you may look a touch strange with your 22 year old hair line. But then if your doing it with a Lace or other unit you can change it anytime.... if your doing it with transplants... well

If you look at Michigan Baldys pictures or any of the better units on stars or regular wearers... those that look good, look real.. are those with age appropriate hair lines

There is no reason that any well done unit should not go unnoticed by the average person at 2 feet... I'm sure you have looked at Michigan Baldys pictures.

You seem to ask the same questions over and over. Over 7183 posts in 15 months would make one think you would have all the answers by now.
But its good that your asking and learning.


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The only reason I ask the same questions over again is most of them are ignored the first two times. Like this time half your response was you saying I should use my 22 year old hair line instead of someone else's, when I'm sure you knew what I meant. Thank you for responding though. My knowledge is about hair regrowth, not pieces.


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Cost issues aside, I think a mix of Armani and Farell (if needed) is the way to go. Armani says he can get 15,000 grafts from an average person though by using FUE, so if that is true, than no piece would be needed.


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Optimist said:
Cost issues aside, I think a mix of Armani and Farell (if needed) is the way to go. Armani says he can get 15,000 grafts from an average person though by using FUE, so if that is true, than no piece would be needed.

Depends how much hair loss you have. If you just have a NW3 or less, that may be enough. Also depends how low you want it and what kind of density. You could have decades of high quality toupees for that price.

I wish I had saved all my hair transplant money and just got toupees. I'd be $10,000 ahead right now, even after spending $1000 per year the last 4 years on toupees. I'd look so much better. My thin grafts just are not good enough. Neither is my high hairline. If you just don't want to look bald, grafts are good. But if you are 27 and trying to blend in with the 19 year old hotties, a toupee would be better.
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I have worn a hairpiece for years. The maintenance sucks. I am a Norwood 5 and had a hair transplant in July with 2520 grafts. I covered the front third of my head. In January I am going back for the second procedure. I must decide if I want to put the next grafts in the front where the first ones went to thicken up the hair transplant or if I want to put them on the crown. The bald spot on my crown is about the size of a baseball.

If I use the next grafts for the front I'll get a partial lace hair piece for the crown. Has anyone else done this? My stylist says he has several clients that have done this and it is undetectable and blends in perfectly.


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Use the hairs upfront to thicken and the lace piece for the crown....
Listen to your stylist for they know of what they speak