Hairtransplant advice


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:smack: I am 24 years old and looking to restore my frontal hairline to its full glory. Its only frontal hairloss that i am suffering from atm although i personally feel that is the most impactive as its what you see everyday.

Unfortunately I am of the group that i will not accept my hairloss so that only leave me with one other option - to do something about it.

I have been carrying out a few years of reserach now and have concluded that I am only interested in FUE.

From the pics what norwood scale would i be classed. I have been told by a Doctor that betweek 2.5 - 3.

Unfortunately luck with girls suffered along with overall confidence .... as you can prob see from photos im no picture painting now from hairloss. In two minds to shave down but dont think id suit that. Any thoughts?


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I think for a guy that is considering a transplant, your hair seems pretty damn good to me. If I had your hair, I would be on the fence about it only when these conditions are met: 1) Hairloss medications (finasteride, minoxidil, etc) didn't work 2) I had money for it 3) Hated the shaved head look 4) Didn't mind the potential scarring 5) When the balding pattern seems established/settled. As for #5, it would be hard to say since you're only 24. A lot of people on this forum would say that is too young for a transplant in general.