Harrowing Self Evaluation And A Face To Face With Reality...


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Hopefully you reading this will never have to come to the crossroads of existing as a has been, clinging onto the look of someone playing a sick prank, as if a drunken night out with friends where one of them has the idea of plastering gorilla glue on your head with the added touch of sprinkling pubes for the finishing touch. This is how my hair looks, medium, short, long, buzz length. It doesn't matter there is no escaping my grim reality. Each and every day I know where this road is taking me, I can stop at the stop signs (finasteride), I can yield when told too (minoxidil) I can drive below the speed limit but eventually I'm going to catch up and arrive to my destination... As a sly bald guy. How does one come to terms with this? I honestly don't know if I have the characteristics to pull off the sly bald and it scares me guys. This so early in my life is going to set the tone for everything, my dating life, my career, my kids lives, how we'll all be treated because of my disease. What do I do? Do I take out the razor, or save it for another day? Or do continue to live as a former shadow of myself? Help.