has any body heard of Vinci Hair Clinic?


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Hi there thinking of hair transplant, has anybody hear of Vinic Hair Clinic they got a clinic in Malaga.


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im in spain also and i have never seen their work but if i were you i would stay away from them theres alot of false claims on their site. Dont just believe the before and after photos I would want to see the people in person as photos can be altered or concealers could be used.
Do a lot more research before committing to a surgeon and dont pick a clinic based on location. after quite a lot of research the surgeon I would go to my self is Bijan Feriduni in Belgium his work looks very good.


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Gather your own judgement from what you feel and think is right, I have already answered a similar post so I want bother to much with the repeat but from what I see, Vinci looks like my top pik, I have met with two REAL patients so I knowbtheir results are as goodbasthe attitude I have experienced from mybdealings with them unlike many others.