Has Any Tried Eklonia Cava Hair Growth Formula?


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Has anyone tried this new product Eklonia Hair Growth Formula?

It's from a company that specialize in E Cava products. I've been taking their 50% and 90% E Cava supplement (600mg/day) and though early days seem to have less hair loss on the 90% (I'm also taking saw palmetto and Astaxanthin). I emailed the owner of the company and he told me E Cava can only really fight hairloss if applied topically rather than taken as an oral supplement so recommended this product which he says is based on the isolated dieckol polyphenol. Dieckol has good results on rats (competing with minodxil and finisteraid) but has few studies on humans. Has anyone tried it? It's new so he says you have to order it in advance due to high production costs of dieckol.


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I ordered a bottle and just received it today. I plan to use it on just one of my receeding temples to be sure any effects are not those of other things I am taking. Will post updates if anyone is interested.
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Maybe you could delineate the process by which it is alleged to have effects.
Here's a study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4737831/

Looks like its supposed to increase growth factors
Treatment with 10 µg/ml purified polyphenols from E. cava (PPE) enhanced the proliferation of hDPCs 30.3% more than in the negative control (p<0.001). Furthermore, 0.1 µg/ml PPE extended the human hair shaft 30.8% longer than the negative control over 9 days (p<0.05). Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) mRNA expression increased 3.2-fold in hDPCs following treatment with 6 µg/ml PPE (p<0.05). Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) mRNA expression was also increased 2.0-fold by 3 µg/ml PPE (p<0.05). Treatment with 10 µg/ml PPE reduced oxidative stress in hDPCs (p<0.05).

These results suggest that PPE could enhance human hair growth. This can be explained by hDPC proliferation coupled with increases in growth factors such as IGF-1 and VEGF. Reducing oxidative stress is also thought to help increase hDPCs. These favorable results suggest that PPE is a promising therapeutic candidate for hair loss.