Has anybody ordered from Q-Gain.com? A new cheap source within EU?


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With the owner of minoxidil-direct.com in a US jail, and the new thievish charges imposed on all packages sent to EU (Since 1st July 2021), I am looking for some new minoxidil source within EU. After browsing on eBay, Amazon, and other sites, I found a website selling QGain https://q-gain.com/?shop,3

They offer a 6-month supply for 42 USD/40.73 EUR, and a 12-month supply for 75 USD/72.74 EUR, with free shipping within EU.

This sounds almost fantastic, and I wonder if anybody bought any bottles from them already? I know that some people sell QGain on eBay but the prices are higher.


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Minoxidil direct still works and there’s also another UK link for Kirkland minoxidil. What are you after?


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MinoxidilDirect doesn't work. You cannot order anything. The site is dead. The owner was imprisoned one year ago.