Has anyone ever thought about this question????


New Member
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If you use the big 3 for a while... and you get decent results, I know if you stop using them all the hairs will eventually fall out and you will return back to your balding state.

But what if you reach the point where your satisfied, and all you continue to take for the rest of your life is propecia to KEEP the hairs you gained/had.... will this work? will the new hairs from rogaine fall out?



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Hair that is grown using minoxidil is generally minoxidil-dependant. So, unfortunately, it is very likely that you will lose those hairs...and not gracefully. Even when the minoxidil stops growing hairs, it is necessary to use it to maintain what you have grown. If you're on the big 3, stick with it until new and better treatments are available. Big things are on the horizon for treating hair loss. Good luck!