Has anyone experienced this?


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Would someone give me some advice? I feel like I'm losing my mind!

My hair has been thinning since I was 18. I'm now 32. Up until 8 months ago, the hair loss was very gradual and diffuse, with very little hairline recession. And, up until 8 mnths ago, I could still fool people into thinking I had a full head of hair. You know how it goes: I'd tell people I was balding, and they'd look at me like I was a f*****g idiot. (But of course, you could definitely tell I was thinning if my hair was wet.) Over this long period of time, I would go through very regular cycles of shedding: for a few months hair would fall out and then for the next few months I'd lose very little. This cycle was very steady. Back In October 02, I started using rogain. It didn't seem to do much, but I kept with it.

Then in April 04, disaster struck! All of a sudden I started shedding tons of these short hairs. I guess they're short because they're in the process of miniaturization. (In fact, all of my hair is finer than when I was younger.) Now, tons of short, thin ones with tapered ends are falling out. They look like dog hairs.

It's getting worse and worse. If I run my hands through my hair, I can make tons of these hairs fall out. I don't even have to pull on them, I can just stand over a sink, shake my head, and they fall out like snow. (Happy holidays, by the way.) And it doesn't seem to stop: After about a hundred short hairs amass in the sink, I get freaked out and stop f*****g with it. But I think that if I were to comb my hair right now, I'd eventually pull out hundreds of hairs.

Because my hair was falling out so much, I basically stopped rogain in September. It didn't seem to be doing anything. In October, I started propecia. I've been taking this scary drug for over two months and I'm still losing hair like an unlucky senior citizen loses money in vegas. In fact, I wonder if rogain had actually been slowing the loss down, and now I'm shedding all that rogain hair, as well as all the miniaturized hair that would have naturally fallen out. Basically a hair loss combo. Yee ha.

So my question is: What the f*** is going on? Why, after all these years of slow steady loss, is my hair now falling out basically in clumps? Should I start rogain again, even though it didn't seem to do anything?

Has anyone had the same experience of hairloss suddenly speeding up? To top everything off, for months the hair I shed would be those short ones. Now, my regular longer ones are falling out rapidly too. f*** this!

The Gardener

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Stopping Rogaine definitely could cause a disastrous shed, and after two years of use I would pretty much have expected it. Even though it may not have been giving you any serious regrowth, it might very well have been silently protecting your existing hair from the effects of male pattern baldness over the last two years.

You might have just been going through a seasonal hair shed. It happens to all people, but only us male pattern baldness folks really pay attention to it because we are predisposed to be overly self-conscious about seeing hair on our hands and in the shower drain, etc. However, to have a shed, and then stop Rogaine... oh boy...

I think you need to start using Nizoral shampoo 2-3 times a week, if you are not already. And, I think you will probably have to get back on the Rogaine if you want to return to a state similar to where you were before your shedding. This requires a decision on your part, but if you do decide to stick with the Rogaine I would strongly advise you to expedite it!

All the best.. don't freak out.. read these forum postings, and as they said in Apollo 13, work the problem. Glad you are here, keep us posted.


yep, The Gardener said it.

get back on Rogaine 5% twice a day

keep with the Propecia

and add Nizoral 3x a week.