Has anyone had "Modified follicular units" done?


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I am 4 years post op and am looking to do some fill in to create more density. I had 1500 follicular units done to the front hairline. I was looking to do about 1000 more for fill in. I am considering doing the "Modified Follicular Units". Has anyone else had this done and how does it look and feel?



Senior Member
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Hi Dirtrider,

I remember you from old, and your H/T. I've not heard of MFU but it sounds like some doctor created lingo to try and distinguish themselves from the crowd...

Who you thinking of using for your H/T?


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Hi Petchsky, thanks for the reply. It's been awhile but am still around. Here is the article i have been reading up. It seems to me that they clump 2 grafts together to cover more density.

"At NHT Medical Center, we utitlize the combination of three different sized grafts- single hair follicular unit, single follciular unit, and the modified follicular unit. Modified follicular units are grafts the size of about two single follicular units combined. However, we do not make modified follicular units bigger than 4 hairs. Using modified follicular units can yield up to two times as many hairs than using normal single follicular units."

I actually had a consultation with this Dr in 1999, although i did not use him for my procedure. I was in the area last week and stopped by to see if he had time for a consult and low and behold, he still had my file from 1999. That was kind of cool. Anyway, he had a patient in his chair that was doing the same as i was interested in and i was able to see the before, after and during pics for myself and i must say, the results were fantastic. I only wish that I would have had him do the procedure in 1999. I think i would have been happy with the results.